Apr 09, 2011 04:00
- 00:08:04: I should get a jumprope. That will take up a lot less stoarage space than all the other things I could not use.
- 08:52:37: Badness is a better teacher than mediocrity.
- 08:52:58: RT @lizzwinstead: I am renaming my lady junk "The Corporation For Pubic Broadcasting"
- 08:54:39: RT @SheBanggs: I've stipulated to be laying on my side throughout my open casket funeral because I know that a huge part of my audience ...
- 09:29:03: Hey #PDX! If you want to be part of a submission to the Mercury's HUMP film festival, I have an idea to run by you.
- 09:46:09: Did you hear about the bass player who locked his keys in his convertible? The drummer had to break a window to get out.
- 09:47:37: RT @steveagee: Have you ever tried reading a book? HOLY SHIT IT'S BORING!
- 09:48:13: @ virgored I'll have Yoo-Hoos with that.
- 09:49:47: RT @notmarcocollins: Somehow I can't imagine Kurt digging this bus sign: http://pk.gd/AecG
- 09:50:55: RT @amandapalmer: my favorite thing I've seen on the ground all day today http://twitpic.com/4idqe6
- 09:51:09: RT @seanoconnz: "My idea for a screenplay is a guy doesn't have money for cocaine, so he steals a bunch of cocaine and gets away with it ...
- 09:52:21: @ polysorbate @nirvana68 Me three.
- 09:52:49: @ katerz1 You're a moth…in a mailbox.
- 09:59:23: 3D CGI is cool and all, but sometimes a guy just wants to watch cartoons.
- 09:59:52: @ katerz1 You've got mothball moxie.
- 10:00:38: @ NicMcCool This morning, as I lay half-awake, I struggled to separate actual dreams and memories of Hanger.
- 10:01:32: If you like really bad movies, Hanger might be a good choice. @nicmccool
- 10:05:05: @ Freya80 Straw? No, too stupid a fad. I put soot on warts.
- 11:00:17: @ Alderon14 My hometown!
- 11:01:32: RT @ilovecharts: SOME of the cells metabolic pathways. More for the complex category: http://tumblr.com/x1621isjv6
- 11:02:06: @ NicMcCool I saw Pervert! It was pretty silly.
- 11:05:11: @ katerz1 You're a Bison McMuffin.
- 11:38:21: @ NicMcCool Have you seen Isolation? It's apparently about killer mutant cows. I'm watching SHOCK! at the moment.
- 11:40:52: RT @meganamram: Is it considered murder if they sucked?
- 11:46:09: @ NicMcCool I should get on some kind of new release mailing list.
- 12:03:53: @ NicMcCool Mostly unoutstanding period shlock, but there were some nice clever touches. You could do worse.
- 12:05:47: If I were a half-African, half-Asian martial arts master in a blaxploitation movie, my name would be Sho Nuff.
- 12:10:46: @ NicMcCool It's good enough to watch, not so good that you have to pay complete attention. I'm still new to the whole Italian horror trip.
- 12:12:42: I bet Gaspar Noe is a Suspiria fan.
- 12:13:22: Italian horror fans! What should I watch after Suspiria and Shock?
- 12:20:33: @ Alderon14 Born'n'raised'n'escaped.
- 12:41:16: @ sushuma And it's streaming!
- 14:02:06: I know nudity isn't, strictly speaking, *necessary*, but has anyone ever said "I would have liked that horror movie except for the nudity"?
- 14:09:18: RT @jerryrenek: @ mitdasein Yes, after watching "Clint Howard: Totally Naked Vampire"
- 14:09:45: @ jerryrenek Truly an underrated film.
- 14:11:39: @ TheCline I'd expected more from that scene. If you're going to have the balls to get Kathy Bates naked, let the images really sink in.
- 14:12:05: RT @furrygirl: Every time I say "[This] should happen", it's met w/ "Why do you hate [stuff already happening]?" Why do people only see ...
- 14:23:55: RT @YUCKYBOT: Ironically, if Planned Parenthood shuts down, people will actually have to plan for parenthood.
- 14:26:13: @ MrWordsWorth The 2007 has a nice blend of smoky overtones and berry notes.
- 14:26:40: @ MrWordsWorth [alternate punchline] Have you tried Calloway?
- 14:27:07: @ TheCline The first being the guy who made the movie?
- 14:29:28: Mentally storyboarding a pornographic short film.
- 14:37:03: @ lafix I'm actually hoping to submit something to this: http://www.portlandmercury.com/hump
- 15:05:02: RT @lafix: @ mitdasein Portland, eh? I'll send you all my notes on erotic microbrewery shenanigans. And the sexy removal of hoodies.
- 15:47:01: Clive Cussler #reallysafewords
- 15:47:49: Ontogeny recapitualates phylogeny #reallysafewords
- 18:20:10: All snacks are served with a biscuit. http://twitpic.com/4iitk9
- 18:43:12: @ jlego Even knowing what they mean, I find the sentence inexplicably lovely.
- 18:44:32: @ mocoddle You can just wait until #satanicsaturday.
- 19:42:28: "Is Bob Dole related to your dad?" #shitmywifesays
- 19:47:41: "Just wait until I get my iPad. I'll never talk to you again." #shitmywifesays
- 21:02:46: Work pimper, not harder.
- 21:04:39: @ remittancegirl What's up you magnficent slammerkin?
- 21:04:58: You're not my real dad!
- 21:49:40: "There's a reason Sean's not a stripper. Besides that he's covered with hair." #shitmywifesays
- 22:03:21: "The song's called 'kids." It *might* be about R. Kelly." #shitmywifesays #mgmt
- 22:05:08: RT @thesulk: Hipstamatic is autotune for photos.
- 22:08:14: Meshugginah: Impossible #jewishmovies #shitmywifesays
- 22:08:34: Goys in the Hood #jewishmovies
- 22:09:37: Latke Largo #jewishmovies
- 22:10:01: Seder Anything #jewishmovies
- 22:11:03: Nom Kippur #LOLreligion
- 22:12:08: The Hillels Have Eyes #jewishmovies
- 22:12:29: @ Emmairl Any one in particular?
- 22:13:11: Watchmensch #jewishmovies
- 22:13:52: B'nai B'rith of a Nation #jewishmovies #sowrong
- 22:28:23: I CAN HAZ JEEZUS? #LOLreligion
- 22:29:39: The Ox Files #typotv
- 22:32:08: Star Tree #typotv
- 22:33:41: The NSFW with Jim Leerer #typotv
- 22:35:00: Torah! Torah! Torah! #typotv
- 22:36:47: Goniff the Wind #jewishmovies
- 22:42:47: The G_dfather #jewishmovies
- 22:44:54: Love, American's Tile #typotv
- 23:03:24: Dana's boys. http://twitpic.com/4im3mo
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