From Twitter 04-10-2011

Apr 11, 2011 04:01

  • 00:05:54: RT @cox_tom: Could this be the best crap taxidermy lion ever? (via @jo_bliss)
  • 00:06:25: @ virgored Your mom likes THESE.
  • 10:02:07: @ crhaan They are notoriously unimpressed by most contemporary cinema.
  • 10:05:01: RT @meganamram: In my experience, less than 40% of people wearing "Duke" sweatshirts are actual dukes.
  • 10:06:57: RT @kungfupussy: Going to continue distracting myself by taking the kids to the local farm. There is an emu there. Emus are satan spawn. ...
  • 10:07:04: RT @elibraden: "If it keeps on raining, the levee's gonna break" ... OH REALLY, ROBERT PLANT?? THANKS FOR TELLING US HOW LEVEES WORK YOU ...
  • 10:07:19: @ SpookyJanelle I knew you could do it.
  • 10:09:52: @ joegarden He can be any good at all, as he's younger than I am. Younger actors are acceptable. Directors, no.
  • 10:10:48: @ SpookyJanelle My darkroom photo teacher used fair-skinned people as an analogy for high-speed film.
  • 10:11:59: As much as I don't approve of unnecessary remakes, I would probably jump at the chance to make one.
  • 10:13:07: RT @alotofnothing: 5yo: "this spoon tastes gooooood. it tastes like real metal." #whaaa?
  • 10:13:43: @ alotofnothing I don't even know what to say to that. Besides thank you.
  • 10:15:26: RT @TheStevenWeber: Smashing my thumb in the jamb of that dumb tomb made it go all numb.
  • 10:15:57: RT @neilhimself: What the melting snow revealed...
  • 10:16:20: RT @BoobsRadley: I think it's probably best that e e cummings died before fonts.
  • 10:24:40: @ kungfupussy Taxi Driver. Starring Seth Rogen as Bickel and Abigail Breslin as the hooker. In 3-D.
  • 10:25:01: @ bluegnu Starring Queen Latifah!
  • 10:25:22: RT @JennyJohnsonHi5: I just explained what a 'glory hole' is to a family of 5 from Ohio. They said I was "the devil". People can be so u ...
  • 10:29:10: Seriously though, is there ANY movie we couldn't improve with a remake starring Queen Latifah?
  • 10:30:38: @ kungfupussy Perfect. Though we should work "you talkin' to me" back in somehow. Maybe Seth can befriend a charming hobo (Robin Williams).
  • 10:32:20: @ lamottjackson I remember staying up late to watch that, largely because it was the one place to see boobs on broadcast TV.
  • 10:33:25: @ TerminalSingles Is that a real live photo of YOU?
  • 10:39:44: Wait. So I'm NOT supposed to get aroused when a woman talks about wearing Spanx?
  • 10:41:35: @ kungfupussy Synergy! Now you're thinking like a cineaste.
  • 10:41:55: @ Freya80 I like to watch you tweet.
  • 10:42:43: @ completelydark I like it when people notice the things I would notice if I were someplace I'm not.
  • 10:43:09: @ lamottjackson A good show works on multiple levels.
  • 10:43:24: RT @robdelaney: Animals sense fear. Approach them with CONFIDENCE & PURPOSE when you wish to make love to one.
  • 10:43:33: RT @badbanana: Great. There's a screaming baby traveling with us in this wormhole. This is going to be a long 688 earth years.
  • 10:54:58: @ MmeLaCrooz Whatever LOLa wants…
  • 10:55:09: RT @TheStevenWeber: Bill O'Reilly vs. Baba O'Reilly #whowouldwinthisfight
  • 10:55:31: RT @missellabell: Today I told small boy that I wanted to be a mermaid. He said "But mermaids don't eat apple pie." I disagreed.
  • 10:57:12: @ knitterplease Now THAT conjures some mental images.
  • 10:58:03: @ themanwhofell I wish I could be as good at something as they are at being bad.
  • 10:59:15: RT @nealbrennan: CNN: U.S. fires missiles toward Middle East, hoping to hit whatever. Fuck it.
  • 11:07:15: RT @sacca: Reno: Putting the 'class' in 'world class' since 1897.
  • 11:08:42: RT @SethMacFarlane: It's amazing that people aren't killed daily by revolving doors.
  • 11:14:29: @ Twistedlilkitty What sort of science do you do?
  • 11:16:25: @ Twistedlilkitty I went to my 20 year reunion last year. I almost felt guilty having so much hair on my head.
  • 11:21:05: @ Twistedlilkitty I had some laughs. What I really like is that it just felt like you were sharing things that amused you.
  • 11:22:02: @ Twistedlilkitty Many people do standup and really seem like they're repeating made-up stuff. This felt like you were talking to friends.
  • 11:23:12: RT @HeyitsLori: Ok so I probably shouldn't have used air quotes when I told my sister she seemed "fine" and "not crazy" at all.
  • 12:09:15: If I ever get rich, I'm totally going to buy two different colored pairs of Chuck Taylors and make two two-color pairs.
  • 15:02:32: Does back pain mean I'm officially a grownup?
  • 15:13:11: @ genegeorge I use that to manage the pain.
  • 15:14:00: @ amyzesbaugh One step ahead of you.
  • 15:14:47: @ Twistedlilkitty I find it a good way to talk.
  • 15:25:28: Don Rickets #celebrityailments
  • 17:35:59: RT @robdelaney: CAN I CITIZEN'S ARREST A BABY?
  • 17:41:40: RT @MARTlNSHEEN: An actual picture of Mr.Sheen on some coke.
  • 17:42:30: RT @YUCKYBOT: When you're sad it feels like your pet is your only friend in the world. Then you realize they just want their wet food.
  • 20:11:04: RT @tabgirl: Ugh BooFoo RT@johninsf: What do you think about this? Foresight, or insanity? Foo Fighters, HIV Deniers ...
  • 20:15:13: Has Dave Grohl joined Scientology yet?
  • 20:17:35: @ matthiasrascher Battery isn't funny, dude. #intentionalmisreading
  • 20:24:46: RT @jerryrenek: I feel sorry for people who don’t want to hear about the time I thought I saw Mojo Nixon at PetSmart.
  • 20:27:13: @ SleeplessBeauty
  • 20:35:46: RT @NeilHamburger: Parents, here's a fun arts & crafts project to teach your kids. The only material needed is paint, available at an ht ...
  • 20:36:59: @ mergyeugnau She's not a divine instrument. She's barely a kazoo.
  • 20:43:25: @ Caissie I think I saw someone on TLC with that.
  • 20:46:19: @ Caissie It could have been Discovery.
  • 20:54:42: @ Caissie That's one Dana's favorite things to say to me.
  • 20:58:18: RT @elibraden: I'm laughing all the way to the bank (I got really high before I left to deposit this $3.42 royalty check)
  • 20:58:59: @ Caissie And when you say that @KenPlume is a "superior friend" did you have any "inferior" friends in mind? HUH?
  • 21:06:21: @ Caissie She even thinks she knows what I'm thinking all the time. One of these days it won't be sex!
  • 21:06:31: RT @StevenAmiri: If I'm accused of having crippling racism, can I apply for disability?
  • 21:06:51: "I'm married to mySELF!" #shitmywifesays
  • 21:10:27: @ Caissie OOCLOL of the Day. @stanbot
  • 21:12:14: @ therafluent You give new meaning to "it burns when I pee."
  • 21:12:55: Just flashed back to one of my freaky meat-chewing dreams.
  • 22:40:59: @ auroranibley That's bad enough that if I read it to my wife, she'd swear I was the one who made it up.

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