From Twitter 05-03-2011

May 04, 2011 04:00

  • 10:49:31: RT @jimmycshaw: "A fake quote can travel around the world on Twitter before a researcher can look up the original on Google." -M. Twain ...
  • 10:57:23: "I'm sorry, Duncan. I know your pain isn't funny. Except that it is." #shitmywifesays
  • 11:30:16: "Customer service is often the epitome of empowerment failure." - Timothy Ferriss
  • 12:40:15: RT @brainpicker: This industrial design student thesis is pure genius - simple, brilliant
  • 12:44:26: RT @lizzwinstead: You wanna get the US out of debt in 24 hours, release the Bin Laden tape on pay per view.
  • 12:53:02: RT @bpanulla: Yale School of Art: Best. Site. From 1995.
  • 12:55:16: RT @ScottFriedstein: According to reports, bin Laden did not own a TV. So not only was he an evil mass murderer, he was also a pretentio ...
  • 15:13:28: RT @shariv67: The phrase "infestation of magicians" hastily scrawled on a maxi-pad in the middle of the night is my "Rosebud."
  • 15:21:52: My phlegm is salty. Am I dying?
  • 15:25:36: @ SteveHuff I'll overnight you a sample.
  • 15:32:02: @ SteveHuff The key to exemplary customer service is anticipating the customer's needs.
  • 15:41:32: If I had a degenerative disease like ALS, I would start calling everyone "nigga" to see who would call BS on a dying guy in a wheelchair.
  • 15:41:51: RT @Ironsheek: @ mitdasein I'm not sure if your health is in grave danger, but the 1st step to recovery is figuring out a nicer way to sp ...
  • 15:43:29: I think the movie Bronson has more penis than Hollywood's entire output for at least a couple years.
  • 15:43:47: RT @earbox: How kind of Jane Smiley to provide a perfect act break should anyone decide to musicalize A Thousand Acres.
  • 15:43:55: @ earbox ON ICE!
  • 15:44:12: @ Ironsheek Clearly.
  • 17:04:51: Wouldn't "the windows of perception" have made more sense?
  • 17:07:47: Maybe the salt in my lungbutter means my nasal spray is working. #eureka #glasshalffull
  • 21:08:24: Hey #PDX! I need to shoot portraits of at least four people for class. Who wants in?
  • 21:20:48: @ Caissie @jennyjohnsonhi5 Did either of you ladies order a pizza? #bowchickawowow
  • 21:22:06: @ gneicco Sisters are just like everything else in the south. If you can't deep-fry it, spray paint it.
  • 21:25:16: @ DrSnit Tramps like us, baby we've got porn to run.
  • 21:26:53: RT @jimgoad: I encourage community activism, outreach programs, coalition-building, and building a better tomorrow. That, and suicide.
  • 21:29:54: RT @ChrisRRegan: I still can't believe that our government's two and a half year long hunt for Bin Laden is over!
  • 21:32:12: Knowing Bin Laden is dead is like knowing Harper Lee is alive. I'm not celebrating, but it's still nice to know.
  • 21:43:14: RT @me_irl: There is a skeleton inside of each of us trying to get out

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