May 11, 2011 04:01
08:31:45 : @ katerz1 Surprise, surprise. 08:32:53 : @ sgnp On the plus side, sometimes we get to have sex with them! #dumbitdown 08:33:48 : White people do things one way, and black people do things a little differently! #dumbitdown 08:42:43 : RT @badbanana: Thank goodness for loyalty program emails. I keep forgetting what brands I'm loyal to. 08:42:44 : RT @serafinowicz: Here's something you never see: 08:51:02 : Hello, cough liar blotted lie 09:03:04 : RT @RubenBolling: hell YES. RT "danfrakes: Best NYT sports-section correction ever? " (via @thinkgeek, @glennf) 11:06:38 : I uploaded a @ YouTube video America runs on Duncan. 11:10:17 : Lost seems okay so far, but I think it could use some nudity. 11:17:17 : Just started watching Lost, and I'm not sure what's going on. They explain everything by the end of the first episode, right? 11:18:15 : @ ordermeanother I was wondering when Jeff Probst was going to show up. 11:19:25 : @ suemaden First time. It sounded dumb when I first heard about it, and by the time it sounded interesting it was way too late to jump in. 11:30:30 : @ helacious If you have to ask, I can't tell you. 12:23:57 : America runs on Duncan. 12:42:00 : Utterly gratuitous Duncan video (with dramatic music) 12:48:40 : I came up with a monopod trick. 13:17:05 : I uploaded a @ YouTube video I came up with a monopod trick. 14:32:08 : RT @furrygirl: I've already been mocked by two family members for sitting around reading all day, like that's the most confusing/ludicro ... 14:33:14 : @ furrygirl If you're going to "read" these "books" you could at least have the decency to eat animal products while doing so. 14:37:05 : RT @sushiewushie: Just saw in my timeline that a lovely lady I followed, @amalari, has passed away. Quite a shock, even on (cont) http:/ ... 14:53:08 : I believe in destiny, I just think it's always changing. 14:59:13 : RT @kellyoxford: GUYS: 'friend' all of your ex-girlfriends on Facebook, then 'like' all of the photos of them pregnant. 15:03:41 : RT @TerminalSingles: I'm at the ball park watching a woman with no teeth eat a hot dog and slowly realizing why I'm not getting any play ... 15:23:04 : I uploaded a @ YouTube video Boaz Frankel at the Mission Theater 5-5-2011 15:25:04 : Boaz Frankel at the Mission Theater, 5-5-2011 15:31:03 : RT @VioletThunk: Ok, atheism and polyamory, I'm bored of you. Both seem arrogant viewpoints, like you should have all you want and that ... 15:31:39 : RT @KenPlume: Hey! UK! Better watch your ass, or I'll take out a SUPERDOUBLEDOGINJUNCTIONxINFINITY on you! #YouCantRetweetThisOrElseIWil ... 15:33:21 : RT @circulacion: My version of Kate Chopin's The Awakening includes navy seals, dolphin warriors, and renegade smack-down piano players ... 15:37:38 : RT @apelad: I've favorited 3,200 tweets, and each one is a precious gem, more resplendent than the previous. 15:44:39 : I get the feeling that Lost is kind of like a cross between everything and everything else. 15:47:18 : RT @brainpicker: Astounding vintage photos of Moscow, taken with a Graflex box camera in 1909 (via @openculture) 15:56:07 : Without Wikipedia, how would I have known that Buddy Hackett turned down the chance to replace Curly? 15:56:40 : RT @LynnBeighley: If wishes were horses, man, that'd be weird. 16:05:05 : RT @xenijardin: Was just introduced to a relatively new piece of Mac OSX malware via an @ msnbc_us link (infected remnant ad?) http://is. ... 16:05:38 : RT @shanenickerson: The one and only @Caissie's very first novel came out today! I'd buy anything this genius woman writes: ... 16:05:59 : @ robhuebel Save yourself some trouble and get a husband. 16:08:34 : RT @rachzorel: First testicular guard used in hockey 1874, First helmet used in 1974. It took men 100 years to realize that their brain ... 16:11:20 : Sierra Club emails me with "10 Wild Places to Hike (Before You Die)." If I went hiking today, I think death would be soon. 16:28:19 : RT @shanethevein: Never fails. Every time I meet a hot chick on Twittter, it always turns out to be a dude. What do you call that, Eddi ... 17:11:33 : I'm on the fifth or sixth episode of Lost and we still haven't gotten any backstory on Mrs. Howell. 17:28:24 : @ Freya80 The Amish are a bit racy for my taste. 18:22:01 : @ tabgirl Don't worry. The tabgirl reboot starring Vanessa Hudgens should be a big hit. 18:25:23 : Dewey the Right Thing #libraryflix 18:25:33 : To Circ With Love #libraryflix 18:32:23 : The Ref (Desk) #libraryfix 18:40:15 : The Da Vinci Barcode #libraryflix 18:44:02 : I subscribed to eyesalive's channel on YouTube. =autoshare 19:04:26 : @ Caissie You should come to Portland. You can read at America's biggest bookstore and see Duncan. @jenifersf 19:06:12 : RT @TeresaKopec: Best thing today: Secretary noticed electric doors mysteriously opening & shutting. Turned out to be copperhead crawlin ... 19:11:47 : @ caissie It's true what @sgnp says. I hear people read books in Seattle, too. And it's safe now that @mocoddle is gone. 19:12:33 : @ Caissie I would consider mailing Duncan if I had a reliable way to get the whole journey on video. 19:13:42 : @ sgnp @caissie @jenifersf A West Coast tour it is! There might even be cities south of San Francisco. I've heard rumors. 19:18:13 : I uploaded a @ YouTube video Duncan vs Becca and Matt. 19:19:43 : RT @paleofuture: I took a vegan anarchist to Disney World once. Shit got dicey. #realtalk 19:20:05 : RT @LillyLyle: The best take I've seen on the Obama war room yet: [via @ben_seven] a good laugh! 19:35:19 : Paul vs snap peas starring @ sgnp and @boazf 19:37:50 : RT @Giania: @ mitdasein nobody in government deserves to be batman 19:39:02 : "And then everybody thought they were Usher." #shitmywifesays 19:45:22 : @ mocoddle You must have SONIC HEARING. @caissie @sgnp 19:49:31 : I uploaded a @ YouTube video Paul vs snap peas 20:22:41 : Depression sucks ass. Cymbalta can help. #rejectedslogans 20:23:34 : "Don't lick your lips and blink your eyes at me, motherfucker." #shitmywifesays to the cat "I'll wipe that blink right off your face." 20:24:30 : "This competition is very competitive." - Romeo "You have to quote that." - Dana 20:25:38 : @ UnseeingEyes I would feel trenchant. 20:28:07 : "You make a great creepy guy." #shitmywifesays 20:42:41 : RT @DearAnyone: I like the library because you don't ever have to ask if you can watch someone eat yogurt with their finger. It just hap ... 20:51:40 : At least Kelly Ripa is still older than I am. 20:52:54 : RT @SteveHuff: The working title of this thing I'm writing (it'll likely change) is ANGUISH. It's about puppies chasing butterflies. Int ... 20:53:07 : @ SteveHuff Dude, the memoir craze has passed. 20:55:30 : RT @Starrlett17: Sarah McLachlan survives off of human tears. 21:17:41 : The insult "fucktard" is highly insensitive to the fucktarded community. 21:25:18 : Lesbian white supremacists: What would YOU do for a Klandyke bar? 21:28:48 : Asthma said knock you out. 21:36:30 : Someone didn't finish dinner. 21:39:05 : Nice nads. 21:45:06 : @ glitterplease Hide your kids hide your wife... 22:35:27 : @ VioletThunk Glad to know I still take someone's breath away. 22:54:40 : It is a rather suspicious coincidence that the space program started so soon after Roswell. 23:07:46 : One of The Twilight Zone's music's conductors was named Lud Gluskin. Tweets copied by