1: First grade teacher's name: Ms. Davis, although she’s married now, so her name is different.
2: Last words you said: Goodnight.
3: Last song you sang: Nobody But Me by Blake Shelton
4: Last person you hugged: Becca - Last night when she left my house…although, now that i think about it…i think she’s the only person i hug.
5: Last thing you laughed at? David while at work, i always laugh at him, which gets me through my day.
6: Last time you said I don't remember: i have absolutely no clue, i say ‘i don’t know’ more than ‘i don’t remember’.
7: Last time you cried? 2 nights ago.
9: What color socks are you wearing: none, i’m under my blankets.
10: What's under your bed: a whole bunch of crap i don’t even remember putting under there.
11: What time did you wake up today: 11:00am
12: Current taste: well, today i taste kinda salty, cause i’ve been hot all day, although normally i’d say i taste kinda bitter, with all the perfume and stuff i spray. But. On a good day i might taste kinda sweet. If you would like a sample, there is a taste testing Thursday at 1:27pm on the brick yard at NC State.
13: Current hair: short, and blonde. And it makes me sad everyday.
15: Current annoyance: this dull but continuing pain in my lower left leg. And now that i’ve thought about it, it hurts even more. And my right knee. And my back.
16: Current longing: for someone.
17: Current desktop background: Puss in Boots (his cute face)
18: Current worry: never getting out of my house.
19: Current hate: life.
20: Current favorite article of clothing: some jeans, some shirts, some shoes. Cause i don’t really have a chance to wear them all that much any more, so it doesn’t matter what it is, as long as they aren’t work clothes i love them.
21: Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: Eyes.
22: Last CD that you listened to: Fiona Apple in Jenn’s car.
23: Favorite place to be: in bed.
24: Least favorite place: the dentist, MAN i HATE THAT PLACE!
25: Time you wake up in the morning? it always changes, 11am if i’m lazy, 9am if i have to shower, 7am if i have work early, 2pm if it’s my day off.
26: If you could play an instrument: violin, or guitar.
27: Favorite color: pink
28: Do you believe in an afterlife: yea, that would be pretty cool.
29: How tall are you: 5’6 or 5’7, i don’t know.
30: Current favorite word/saying: “you know, it wouldn’t be that hard to throw you down a mine shaft.”
31: Favorite book: Crank
32: Favorite season: don’t really have one, cause when it’s really hot…i can’t wait for winter, but…when it’s really cold…i can’t wait for summer. i just like it to be nice outside.
33: One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: there is a reason people are in your past. And they should stay there.
35: Where do you want to go for college? i’m at NC State, sorta.
36: What is your career going to be like: No clue. i’m at a job right now with career potential if i can get my degree so that I can get into training and what not so I can become a loan officer. i might get bored with that though, there’s no telling.
37: How many kids do you want: 2, MAYBE 3...if my husband really wants it.
39: Said "I love you" and meant it: yes.
40: Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish: yes.
41: Been to New York: yes
42: Been to Florida: no
43: Been to California: no
44: Been to Hawaii: no
45: Been to Mexico: no
46: Been to China: no
48: Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: no
52: Do you have a crush on someone: i dunno
53: What book are you reading now? i wouldn’t really consider it reading it…i’ve been on the same page since like July but…i was in the process of ready The Lovely Bones
54: Worst feeling in the world: feeling alone.
55: What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning? 15 more minutes will be alright.
56: How many rings before you answer: whenever i find my phone
59: Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: every so often.
64: Do you do drugs: no
65: Do you drink: sometimes.
67: What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use? that fruit kind…in the green bottle
68: What are you most scared of: being alone.
69:What clothes do you sleep in? pjs or less
70: Who is the last person that called you? sean
71: Where do you want to get married: in a church
72: If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: my weight.
73. Who do you hate: i don’t hate anyone
74: Been In Love: yea
75: Are you timely or always late: depends how important something is. i’m never late for work, but i take my time getting ready to go out at nights.
76: do you have a job: yes
77: Do you like being around people? yes
78: Best feeling in the world?: being happy
79: Are you for world peace: no, i hope the world continues to fight all the time…WTF?!? Look, i’m crazy sadistic…but who the hell is so bad that they are AGAINST WORLD PEACE?!?! No…no seriously…have you ever heard anyone say, “man, fuck world peace man, that shit sucks.” … what a dumb question.
80: Are you a health freak: i wish i was.
81: Do you have a "Type" of person you always go after? anyone who showed an interest at this point would do, DAMN
82: Do you want someone you don't have?: that’s like, the story of my life.
83: Are you lonely right now: yes, but I think we established that back on question like …. 1
84: Ever afraid you'll never get married: sometimes, more now so than ever.
85: Do you want to get married: yes
86: Do you want kids?: yes
87: Cried: yes
88: Bought Something: yes, food.
89: Gotten Sick: i’ve been sick for like 3 days.
90: Sang: yes
91: Said I Love You: yes, Becca and Daddy.
92: Wanted To Tell Someone You Liked them: not lately. i gave up a while ago.
93: Met Someone: yea, i met some new people i work with yesterday.
94: Moved On: no, i lack that talent.
95: Talked To Someone: that’s kinda sorta my job…HELLLLLOOOO.
96: Had A Serious Talk: probably,
97: Missed Someone: everyday.
98: hugged someone: didn’t i already answer this question? Yes. Becca.
99: Yelled at Someone: i haven’t had the chance to get in a fight with someone since back in like august or something crazy like that. i think Dan was the last person i yelled at. Man that felt good.
100: Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be with: yea i don’t know if it was 48 hours…but, here recently.