RULES OF THE GAME. Post 6 weird and random facts about yourself, then at the end, list the names of five other people who are next in line to do this.
1. I love watching the same movies over and over again, even if I didn't really like it the first time.
2. (Beware, this is a creepy one:) Sometimes, I give my carboard cutout of Legolas a little lip action ;)
3. I can never kill anyone off in the sims because I feel guilty when I see their family members sobbing over their gravestones.
4. I purposely ditched a leather jacket in my aunt's office because I accidentally dripped some moldy bread liquid on it in 7th grade and thought it was a shame to throw out. Everytime I see her, she reminds me to take it home with me.
5. I used to collect animal statues. I have over 200 of them, and can tell you where I got each of them and when. (I'll take pictures once I finally get them all put on shelves in my room.)
6. I like writing random things on myself with permanent marker. (Currently, there is a large "I AM SEXY" on my thigh.)
I tag: whoever wants to do it. I'm too lazy to pick names :)