The "Shut Sumeragi Subaru Up!" Challenge

Jun 18, 2008 15:13


Puel and I are here to bring the pain.

You see, we were having an innocent conversation ::cough:: about precisely how difficult it is for either of us to get everyone's favorite emo anorexic onmyouji to shut up and stop angsting. We've tried putting fists in his mouth, we've tried putting cigarettes in his mouth, we've tried putting bottles of vodka in his mouth, we've tried putting Seishirou's cock in his mouth, and even then, even in those fulfilling (sic) circumstances, we found that he keeps running off at the mouth. Sometimes literally.

It's true. He even monologues when he's giving head.

So, Puel and I present unto you, the collective Internet, a challenge.

Make Sumeragi Subaru shut up.

Rip his throat out? Shoot him in the head? Attempt the standard application of two aggressors being better than one? Feed him (to) something, maybe?

The possibilities are endless.

And, in the interest of spicing things up a little, I present three categories:

Funniest Means of Shutting Subaru Up
Sexiest Means of Shutting Subaru Up
and Most Realistic Means of Shutting Subaru Up

and for the winner of each category (as voted upon by puella_nerdii, myself, and one other non-participating judge to be determined) I will write one short (under 6000 words) fic according to the author or artist's specifications (in any fandom that I can reasonably write, it does not have to be tb/x).

And if you can do this, you will have succeeded where we have failed, and we doff our hats to you. Seriously.


Rule Number One: (One!)
Text submissions must be over 100 words in length, no maximum. If this churns out anything over 10000 words, I will write you a ficbit anyway, because you are awesome. (In that case, though, please post it elsewhere and link to it in the comments. Cross-posting is entirely okay!)

Art submissions may be any medium, including pencil sketches, digital art, and icons. No tracing. If this churns out anything incredibly involved, I will also write you a ficbit anyway.

If you can think of another medium to submit work in that is neither text or visual art, and want to submit it that way, go right ahead! It still counts.

Rule Number Two: (Two!)
All submissions, fic, art, and otherwise, must somehow involve SHUTTING SUBARU UP. The whole point is that we don't care how you do it so long as it gets done. We do not care what pairings are involved, what ratings are involved, what emotions are involved, as long that boy stops talking.

Rule Number Three: (Five, sir!)
However, we do ask, no AU. Alternate timelines, crack, and canon what-ifs are okay, but the whole point is that it's Subaru who won't stop talking.

Rule Number Four: (FORE!)
All submissions to this challenge must be posted in the comments to this entry, on either LJ or IJ, by the midnight EST preceding 1 July, 2008. That's 7/1/08. Or, as my timestamps put it,


You may submit multiple entries and be in consideration for multiple categories. You may submit entries in multiple forms of media, to no maximum. You do not need to specify what categories your submissions are gunning for, the judges will determine that. Yes, it is possible to win in multiple categories if you are just that awesome.

Rule Number Five: (Three, sir!)
Have fun, even if Subaru isn't! Tell your friends, we want as many submissions as possible~!

Rule Number Six: (Sex!)
There is no rule number six.

Good luck gagging and bringing him in!

We are available for any questions!


census, fic, tbx

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