Sorry about that hun. Leah didn't have an update list of who had their icon in. But thanks for letting me know, because when I just updated it I completely overlooked comment. :)
Hey, don't freak, but I was just wondering if you might want to chat with me over AIM? The J. Alfred Prufrock quote in your profile was enough to seduce me.
Hello! This is your mod from tyraxantm reminding you that you have until tomorrow (Friday, September 14th) at 11:55pm EST to enter your LIMS Challenge #1 icon HERE :]
Hey there! I was bored tonight and decided to search LJ for other people at Rhodes. While I was clicking around I stumbled upon your profile and not only do we have some common interests (most notably Scarlet Pimpernel) but we even have a mutual friend, which is pretty bizarre.
This is just a reminder that your LIMS icon for tyraxantm is due tomorrow ... Friday September 28th, 2007 @ 11:55pm HERE. We changed the rules around a little bit, so if you haven't seen it yet go look!
Comments 27
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Ah, you like the musical ^_^ no one ever seems to like the musical
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