Since everything is already out in the air, might as well make this a public, cross-posted entry.
i'm doomed if i do, i'm doomed if i don't.
i'm only human, and i make mistakes too.
and i've admitted my faults numerous times as it is.
whether it may be verbal, or through myspace, or his email, whatever.
but why is it that i'm the only one who has to apologize?
i'm willing, but i still don't get the concept of forcing me to do it in such a rational way.
i'm not the only one who said something offensive
some people said i should talk to her. some people said just "cut it. leave it alone."
what the hell. i try to make things cool down and not deal with it for now since tension was way high.
"cooler heads mean rational thinking"
and what do i get for that? i still get criticized.
i was trying to do the right thing by not forcing the issue.
and why is it that i put up the posts, people demand me to take it down. but when i take it down i'm still questioned on WHY i put it down?
what else do you guys want from me?
you're not talking shit about me? what?
you gotta be kidding me.
then what do you call the public blog that you posted? and the numerous comments that you put in people's myspace claiming "impaired thinking" and "she's nuts" and all those shit.
heck, i didn't start anything with you.
i had NOTHING against you.
YOU started this whole thing by posting that blog. and YOU were the one talking shit about me to different people's pages.
and you're saying that you were wasted? and your point?
as i said before, alcohol does not impair your thinking or reasoning.
people always use that as an excuse. i don't accept that.
no matter how drunk you are, you still know what you're doing. except, you just have a "push" to do things.
i put something up in public, yes.
but aren't i entitled to my own opinion?
no matter how harsh it is, it still is something i stand up for until now.
why am i being criticized for this?
why is it that i put something harsh and everyone gangs up on me and when someone else does its "just an opinion"?
then why didn't everyone put up that kind of opinion?
doesn't anyone realize that i'm also hurt by what SHE said? i'm not the only one who said harsh things. i'm not the only one who "talked shit" or who is at fault. but i'm not numb, nor am i stupid.
i have feelings too. i also get hurt when people can't seem to see my standpoint.
to whoever told her about this journal: i don't wanna know who you are. i'd rather not. but if you actually think, you would realize that there's a big reason why the entry isn't cross-posted. it wasn't meant for view for most people. and just the fact that it was a harsh post, and i'm pretty sure you know the situation, then putting gas into the fire wasn't the best idea, don't you think?