
Jun 06, 2006 02:30

Being impulsive and saying exctly what is on my mind can be a problem sometimes I guess. Ah well, strangely I am not particularly bothered by it.

I decided awhile ago that I wasn't going to pretend to be anything other then what I am. That I was no longer going to live my life to please others. That I was no longer going to be anything other then what made me happy to be me. And that is what I am.

So it doesn't bother me when people don't like me. And it doesn't bother me when people don't get along with me. It doesn't bother me when people think I'm wierd, or crazy, or a bitch because I am happy with who I am and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about me.

I'm done being emo, I'm done being a push over, I'm done striving so hard to be something I hate just because everyone loves that portrayal better then the real me. I refuse to do it ever again. If that loses me some people I call friends now, so be it. In the long run I will be happier being myself and alone then I ever could living a lie.

I am proud of who I am and who I am becoming still.

I am not angery about this potential loss of friendship, and oddly I am not saddened either. Life brought these people into my life for a reason and if life takes them out then it is for a reason as well. In the end we are all merely grains of sand tossed about in the wind storm of fate. This is oddly comforting to me.

I have never been one to be entirely concerned about who comes into my life and who goes out of it. My philosophy and belief is that any kindness is always repaid in this world, that any person you meet is always a friend, and that parting is never a sad occasion because eventually we all meet again.

Life is change, nothing is constant. hmm... I've had an empiphany really. You can control nothing in this life but who you are, the actions you choose to take, the thoughts you choose to think, and the words you choose to say. Everything else is beyond your control and should not be worried about.

People wonder why I'm so relaxed, that above is precisely it. This life is ultimately not the most important thing in the universe. It is merely an existence spanning a hundred years or less. Merely a blink of the eye to the cosmos. Why worry over something that in three years time you won't even remember?

You never know what life will bring, and if you spend it worrying or being emo or beating yourself up for imagined sins you will miss the greatest things in life. You could walk into your greatest love and never realize it because you were to busy worrying about paying your taxes.

Life is not so hard. Everything works out for the best eventually, so long as you keep a level head and work for your dreams/ambitions. Anything is possible, so long as you believe you can do it.

Good night folks. My metrocon update will have to wait as I have to be up for work in one hour. ^.^ Ten hour shifts pay the bills well.
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