Dragons, Death, and Flying Islands

Jun 27, 2006 19:58

Fiction...yeah, deafinately need to stop reading it. Period, no more. Just stop.

They're bad for mental sanity. -.-

Was at work today, and my car pulled that thing it does where it turns over but won't start. Anyway, picked up volume I of the death gate cycle, DragonWing. o.0 Interesting book so far. So, why, you ask, is reading fiction a problem?

Because of my over active imagination of course silly. Hell, two hours reading it and my head is already polluted with the world, took me a full hour to fully come out of the intricate workings and trying to puzzle out each section of the book. -.- The whole while my imagination is running rampant thinking up a multitude of trivial things like how to conjure spells, in a world that does not exist beyond the confines of a hard cover book. x.X I'm so fricken lame. =D

Anyway, Was called into work for a few hours today which was pretty fun. yes, I am one of those odd people who like to work. It's not so much my job, or the work that I do. I merely like the feeling of being productive. I wonder if that's strange. o.0

Anyway, I like trying my best at something and stretching myself to the breaking point. It's exilerating in a way, though it tends to cause pain depending on what I'm stretching. @.@

Believe it or not, she met this guy off the internet. o.0 On E-harmony and such. He drove down the first christmas he knew her, an eleven hour drive to georgia just to see her on christmas day. How insane is that? xD

Anyway, she picked up her entire life and just moved to Pennsylvania to be with this dude. Believe me it took us all by surprise as well since she's the most level headed in our family and not prone to doing rash things like that. Eh, but they're happy. They tied the not last weekend and stuff and my little sister and cousin were the flower girls in her wedding.

Her wedding dude, was insane. She made both the flower girl's dresses and all the bridesmaid dresses. She put together her entire rehersal dinner. Not only did she have her wedding that weekend but also that branch of the family's traditional Family reunion as well since it was her turn to host it this year. o.0 She had these roses, black magic they were called, positively gorgious. They've become my favorite kind of rose. And her flowers alone cost six hundred bucks. >.< Six hundred dollars for flowers!

Eh, it was a good ceremony though and she was happy and the reception was fun. My family are definately hicks though. >.< lol, at least that part of my family. It's bizare... I dunno... my family is too reserved for my tastes. I think if you're going to celebrate then you aught to go all out and really celebrate something.anyway, that was a fun weekend.

From there we drove to Washington DC and spent two days. First day it rained, really badly. We ended up having to walk three blocks in the pouring rain with lightning and thunder and wind crashing all around us to the metro. We were soaked completely through. Second day was all right, it was hot though. We saw all the monuments and stuff and got to see a few of the smithsonian museums before they closed up.

From there we drove down to Georgia.[yes, we drove. Took us two days to get up to Pensylvania, calculate that if you wish. ] We stayed at stone mountain park in Georgia. It was pretty nifty. We stayed in a single bedroom tent and camped the entire time we were gone, and our site was right out on the lake.

Literally when we opened the tent flap in the morning what you got was the shot of the mountain through the trees and the expanse of lake and trees everywhere. it was gorgious. *sighs* I love being out in nature, away from the city and the busttle and the noise. It's so restful and peaceful, really makes you feel alive. ^.^

Anyway, it rained the first day there too. Got caught out as it poured and drenched us all. @.@ luckily we didn't leave the windows to the tent down, learned our lesson in DC. Anyway, the only thing we got to do that day was see the lazer light show. Which, it's all right. Too much country music and not enough pink floyd in my opinion, but it was all right. xD

Second day we wandered around the park they have there and did some of the stuff there. Then we climbt he mountain. Took us an hour to do it. Would have only taken hhalf an hour to forty-five minutes, but alas I had to stop and catch my breath half-way up. I was starting to feel light headed and like I was going to have an asthma attack. The blood pounding in my ears from my racing heart and such. God I hate when you can't intake enough oxygen for your body to use. -.- Hurts worse when my heart overacts to compensate for the lack of oxygen than the actual lack of oxygen does.

Anyway, we made it almost to the top, and the last bit that should have only taken about ten minutes to walk it ended up taking a full half hour because I felt like I was going to pass out. Light headedness, plus an overactive fear of falling, equals a bad time. However, I'm a stubborn person by nature and I wasn't about to let a mountain or my own body get the better of me. So I did make it to the top of the mountain.

God it was a freakishly hot day too. The feels like was a hundred and four they said, and we hiked the last half mile of that damn thing in the full sun. -.- Finished the day off by seeing the lazer light show a second time. While the content isn't great, it's still pretty awesome to see huge laser beams flashing across the whole side of a mountain. xD Plus there were fireworks and explosions, which are two things that make Mei-chan a happy happy kitty. ^.^

Left the morning of the third day, packed everything into the car that would fit. Ended up squished like a sardine, but oddly I feel comfortable in small spaces. So long as I get to chose to layout of those spaces. *nods head* Anyway, drove all the way back in a single day and got to Tampa around eight/eight thirty-ish. Kidnapped the keys from my father's jeep since my car was in clearwater and drove out to the oushi meeting.

It was the worst twenty minutes I've ever spent in my life. The driving part, not the oushi part. BUt like... I have no idea how my father drive's that thing. I thought I was going to die. The whole contraption was shaking around me, and it would lurch forward whenever the road dipped to the left as though it was about to tip over or the front tire had blown. And it makes this horrid clicking noise like it's going to stall or blow-up, and every bump or crack, or uneven bit of road it hits it bounces and I'd have flashbacks to losing control of my car that time I crashed going down I-4 to Jacon. >.<

I literally had a panic attack in the thing, oh and the best part is that it doesn't go past fifty-five, so I'm going down 275 going fifty-five miles an hour. All these cars whipping past me making the whole swerving thing worse because jeeps have shit for stability. I literally kept having visions of hitting a rock or a pot hole and the jeep flying through the air and crashing into the wall in a firy ball of death. Or it falling apart around me and somehow dying in that manner. Or one of the crazy people who drive on 275 ramming into me because they pass to closely.

Eh, I was a wreck needless to say and by malfunction junction I had to literally remind myself to breath because it suddenly occured to me it would be worse if I passed out from esphixiation, thereby running the car into other cars and the curved cement walls, thusly dying further.

The damnable thing about it was that I never used to such a coward. -.- Granted there's always a measure of anxiety in everyone's life, but I've never delt with anything that causes me this much anxiety before. I suppose it's normal after a near death experience to be anxious about the device that was the cause of the near death incident. But I know logically that the reason for my accident was my own negligence, and not because of the car I was driving or the road I was driving on.

However, whenever I get into a car I can't help but suddenly be assaulted by these panic attacks. I get insanely tense, become jittery and skittish the way fresh broken horses do or something. And like, It's not fears about my own skills at driving, because I'm a fairly good driver so long as I don't fiddle with cell phone's while driving. It's everyone else on the road. It's like, when I crashed some little light came on in my head and my eyes were opened to a lot greater detail in life or something. And I notice all these little things I never noticed before. The wreckless way people drive, how they don't check their blindspots when they change lanes or turn. Flagrant disregard of rules that are designed to be followed and work when followed but can result in death when not. For instance, red lights mean stop not speed up.

Some would say simply do not drive, but that would not work because my anxiety is twice as bad when I am a passenger and not driving. I do a fairly good job of disguising when I am anxious about something unless someone knows me well. But like, I spent the majority of my time on my vacation sleeping during the car ride, because I would get so anxious during the ride that I couldn't sleep because of how tense my shoulder muscles were. -.-

Anyway, back to my story about the death car I suppose. My father's jeep put me in a bad shape, I litterally was crying half-way through the trip which bothered me even more because then you can't see well and how am I supposed to avoid things and keep control of a vehicle when I can't see. So I did the most logical thing I could and completely shut off my emotions. It worked well actually because I was fairly all right and not panicky by the time I arrived at OUshi.

Albeit, I was a bit hyper. That whole surge of elation that happens when you narrowly escape death and all. o.0

Watched a bit of Ouran at Oushi, then chilled with Twitch, Fishy, Kara, Nissa, some new guy named Paul, and Adam and Nabeshin. We all went to Perkins with a few other people I do not recall at the moment, and basically took perkins by storm. It was awesome. Of course, I was poor and didn't know how much I had in my account so I didn't eat anything, but I had sugar water.

Then I stayed out too late of course, but I was all right driving back home. A death trap is a good way to maintain being awake, and thankfully I was mellow enough that I didn't panic as much on the way back to the parsonage as I did on the way away from the parsonage.

Heh, all together it would have been wisest not to go to the oushi meeting, but I really needed to get a bit of space away from my family for awhile. I mean, I love them, and they are awesome, but after a week and a half in a four door car and a single room tent I needed some space or things were going to get really ugly.

Sunday was church and that went as usual except we didn't stay for evening service due to the huge storm we barely beat back to clearwater. It was so good to get back to my dog. T.T I missed it so much while I was gone. eh, anyway, monday nothing much happened. Had to spend a good while cleaning my room and spent a lot of time on the computer.

Today as I mentioned earlier I got called into work for a four hour stint, and the whole car issue thing. Which my car did start later, as soon as my dad got there to drive me home it started right up. ... bastard death mobile. -.- Anyway, came home, got on the computer and I've been on the computer ever since. Probably will be till I go to bed. lol.

That about conclude's this update. o.0 How ya'll doin? lol.

Next big thing I guess is AFO. Till then, work and save money so I can eat at AFO. *nods head* Which of course, AFO is going to rock! My first AFO ever. ^.^ It should prove most interesting. =D
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