I got Alphonse a kitten. He doesn't know that, of course, but I remember Hohenheim always talked about how much Alphonse loved cats as a boy. I feel gut-wrenchingly awful about everything that's happened, and if I can do anything to brighten his day, well, I'd be happy to. Of course my motives are anything but pure. The happier he is the more willing he may be to forgive, even a little. Even so, I hope more than anything that it does make him happy. I only wish there were more I could do.
Hohenheim got me a locket for Christmas. That was decidedly unexpected, though very much appreciated of course. I went to see him after that. I know I probably shouldn't, but damn it, it was so fucking good to see him, even for a little while.
Guilty as I feel about all of this, I can't help but be angry as well. Furious, really. Enraged, to be quite honest. He has gone out of his way time and time again to try and make amends with those two and they simply REFUSE to give him the time of day. It's selfish and petty and unnecessarily hurtful and it makes me absolutely incensed. Edward I expected it from. He's shown himself to be nothing but petty and childish from the first. But coming from Alphonse it really hurts. And it just makes me that much angrier.