Not all of these are my own pictures, but here are the inhabitants on my
nano reef:
^Green Star Polyps
^more Green Star Polyps, with Turquoise Mushroom Corals
^Brown Spotted Mushroom Coral colony
^Ricordea Yuma (Peach)
^various Zoanthids
^Bi-Color Blenny
^Cherub Angel
^Ocellaris Clown (Not a Nemo.. Nemo's a Percula Clown)
^Tulip Anemones
^Serpent Star
^Blue Hermit Crab
^Bumblebee Snail
^Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
^Peppermint Shrimp
^Emerald Crab
^Porcelain Crab
It's amazing how much life you can cram into a 30x12x12-inch glass box