Title: Sometimes
Author: mittenlover
Rating: G
Pairing: John/Paul
Warning: I wrote a song. And tried to make it rhyme. It is so terrible, I know.
Summary: Paul and John hang out in Paul's room and Paul thinks while John sings.
Sometimes, Paul wondered. He thought to himself, why be this rock and roll god here with me, playing with his guitar, making songs that are simply variations on my name. He belongs in some sort of great hall, where people all gather to hear him sing beautiful lyrics, then dance to them and tell him he is a genius and say that he belongs with a woman who is just as much a genius. He doesn’t belong in my room. He looks strange.
But John thought he was very much at home and went on singing.
“Macca, dear Macca, Paulie, oh oh.
Sitting in his room
In all his gloom
Never thinks to open the
Sometimes Paul wonders, but it’s very rare that he ever knows, really, what John thinks when he sings and sits and looks at Paul that way that John looks at him.
John wonders why looking is not the same as touching.
A.N. First story. I feel really...good about this. I hope someone likes this.