List 100 things about yourself
1) Full Name: Gal Arad Kabiri.
2) Male/Female: Female.
3) Were you named after anyone?: Not really... I was named after this horrible song.
4) Does your name mean anything?: Yes. 'Gal' means 'wave' in Hebrew. Like, in the ocean.
5) Nick Name(s): Henrieta, Mitz, Shpitz, Demin.
6) Who do you think you look like: Small-measured tomboy lesbo. I think I'm pretty, though.
7) Date Of Birth: March 19th, 1990.
8) Place of Birth and Current Location: Israel, and oh, Israel. Fuck.
9) Nationality: Israeli. Surprised? Me too. I don't belong here.
10) Astrology Sign: Pisces.
11) Chinese Astrology Sign: Horse.
12) Religion: Atheist.
13) What’s your favorite smell?:Old/new books, wet sand, old cigarette smell, my perfume.
14) Political Position?: Um... IDK? Democrat? It doesn't work like that over here.
15) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?: Jasmin tea or Aroma coffee.
16) Hair Eye color: Hair is currently dark blonde, eyes are greyish green.
17) Do you look like anyone famous?: No?
18) What do you look like?: A PERSON?
19) Any unusual talents? Yes. IDK if you call it 'poise' in English too, but... I can do
this. I also draw pretty well.
20) Rightly, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?: Right.
21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other?: I thought gay, but... bi? I don't fucking know anymore.
22) What do you do for a living?: I serve the IDF. If you can call that a living. It's not like I have a choice :D
23) What do you do for fun?: Order stuff off Amazon. Mainly. Also RP and hang out with a small amount of friends.
24) What are your favorite art materials to work with?: Watercolors mixed with ink, or plain black ink.
25) What kind of materials would you like to work with?: I miss using Acrylic, but I just don't have the patience.
26) Have you met your grandparents?: Yes. Not lately though because I've been blocking them in my cellphone. LOL
27) Boyfriend / Girlfriend: Sigh.
28) Crush: Yeah, I think everyone already knows about this. It's kinda obvious.
29) What celebrity would you date if you could?: NICK CAVE. Though I'd have probably thought he was an annoying brat if I'd met him when he was young. So I'd go for Mick Harvey. I'd date him even in his current age.
30) Current worries?: NONE because I can suck at what I do anyway because I cannot get fired LOL
31) Favorite online Guy/Girl(s): Kiera.
32) Favorite place to be?: Somewhere that's not here.
33) Least favorite place to be?: The office. No, wait, the guarding girls' bedroom.
34) Do you burn or tan?: When I do, which I don't very often, I tan.
35) Ever break a bone?: No.
36) What is your favorite cereal?: Just regular sugared Cornflakes.
37) Person you cry with:On my own, kthx..
Do You Have...
38) Any sisters: No.
39) Any brothers: A younger brother.
40) Any pets: Tukki, our parrot.
41) An Illness: Asthma, anemia, slight under-weight, skin's asthma [yes, there is such a thing.]
42) A Pager: No.
43) A Personal phone line:I do in the office.
44) A Cell phone: A shiny pink one at that.
45) A visible birthmark: Yes, on my stomach, but it's faded a lot since, well, since I were born.
46) A Pool or hot tub: A tub.
47) A Car: No.
Describe Your...
48) Personality: Pathetically aristic-wannabe.
49) Driving: AHAHA I don't, for the sake of the rest of the world.
50) Your clothing style: Well... I have several styles actually... depends what I'm feeling like at the moment. I'd say stylish-lesbo.
51) Room: A stinkin' mess of art and clothes.
52) What’s missing: IDK?
53) School: Why must you hurt me this way.
54) Bed: Big and comfy. A little crouded for two people, though.
55) Relationship with your parent(s): Decent.
Do you…
56) Do you believe in yourself: Sometimes.
57) Do you believe in love at first sight?: No.
58) Consider yourself a good listener: LOL no.
59) Have a future dream that you would like to share?: TRASHCAN APARTMENT WITH EVERYONE <3 Though my current dream is my flight to Cleveland 10 months from now.
60) Get Along with your parents: Sort of, most of the time.
61) Save your e-mail conversations: Sometimes.
62) Pray: No.
63) Believe in reincarnation: No.
64) Brush your teeth twice a day?: Yeah.
65) Like to talk on the phone: Depends with who. Usually, no.
66) Like to eat?: Yesssssssssssss.
67) Like to exercise?: LOLOL
68) Like to watch sports?: No.
69) Sing in the car?: Oh my God, yes. I sing Robbie Williams along with my mom when we drive together.
70) What is a dream that you have all the time?: I often have dreams about people I don't talk to anymore because they ttly deserve it.
71) Dream in color: You dream in b&w?.
72) Do you have nightmares?: Yes, I do, actually. I always wake up at around 5 AM, swaety and frightened.
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal: I slept with the Hello Kitty doll Kiera sent me for a short while, but I don't anymore because I want it to save its original smell. /creepy
What is:
75) On your favorite coffee cup?:We have a Starbucks mug. LOL
76) On your mouse pad: It's plain black.
77) Your favorite flavor of gum?: I hate gum.
78) Your brand of deodorant?: I don't remember.t
79) Your dream honeymoon spot: I've never really taken that into consideration. Somewhere in Europe.
80) Your dream husband/wife: I always go for the frustrated artists.
81) Hiding in your closet?:Bags. They're my secret addiction. I have tons of them.
82) Under your bed: Dustbunnies? My bed's too low and heavy to clean under.
83) The name of one of your closest/best friends?: Omer, though I call her Joe.
84) Your bad time of the day: Noon, when I still have a shitton of work to do and 5 hours to stay in the office.
85) Your worst fear(s): Failing at art and ending up old and lonely.
86) What's the weather like: Cold and windy.
87) Your favorite time of year?: Hard to tell. Health-wise I'm miserable 75% of the time, and summer, well, I hate swaeting. Really.
88) Your favorite holiday?: Channuca. Your grandparents give you money.
89) A material weakness?: BAGS. Clothes, CDs and DVDs. Books.
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: Pasta with tomato sauce and balsami vinegar.
91) At the top of your "to-do list"?: Finish Edie's birthday card.
92) The hardest thing about growing up: Finding normal spouses.
93) A pet peeve?: People who whine all the time, people who try talking to me when I'm busy or when I listen to music, people who drink their soup\tea\coffee LOUDLY. IF I CAN SIP IT QUIETLY YOU CAN TOO, FUCKHEADS.
94) Your scariest moment: When Joe got hit by a car on my... was it my 15th birthday? I think so.
95) Your attitude about love?: It screws me over time and time again. But I'd still like feeling it.
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex?: I don't really... do that. If I'm into someone, I'll just tell them.
97) The worst feeling in the world: Rejection, mediocreness.
98) The best feeling in the world: Being loved back by someone. [Being loved by someone you don't love is rather awkward. LOL]
99) Who sent this to you?: No one.
100) 6 people you tag: Meh.