7:31 - still need two more pages, sighhh. i'm a bit scared of this paper right now.
7:37 - looking at the last time i did one of these makes me cringe. iiii should just go shower and sob about how this particular story out of all of murakami haruki's stuff absolutely resists analysis and i am a damned fool to even try.
8:13 - still no good sighhh this short story is just too short for me to get a 7pg paper out of it. a plague on my prof for saying that i would be able to.
9:11 - someone set off the fire alarm burning toast in the lounge smfh #resproblems.
10:08 - ughh how do words work i have no ideaaa
10:25 - forget words, how do ideas work ughhhhhh
11:27 - sluggishly moving along. my current tactic is to write anything and everything that comes to mind, regardless of what it is, in the hopes that it'll get me to my min pagecount at the very least.
11:44 - 1823. grahhhhhhh. it will be pathetic if i hand in smth shorter than my midterm ughhhhhh.
1:38 - can't get back into writing ughhhh. but nom nom skittles? i hope i don't give myself a tummyache w/ these again >.>
2:04 - note to self: my sister owes me $30.
2:21 - i hate school. but i love minesweeper. and skittles. for now.
3:07 - 6 words away from 2000 asdf;lj is this progress i can't even tell anymore.
3:20 - instant latte and 鱈魚香絲 yessss recipe for success. (or horrible diarrhea.)
3:44 -
Click to view
5:03 - 2117. i can't tell if it's been long enough that i can finally look at the stuff i wrote last night w/out instinctively recoiling, or if it's simply late enough that everything seems good to me.
5:11 - why am i nitpicking and fine-tuning when the second half of my paper is still a mess smfh PRIORITIES SELF. BE BETTER.
6:39 - skipping the crappier chunk of the second half to write the ending eyyyy yo #how not to write an essay
7:29 - the latte i am currently ingesting to stay awake is trying to find its way back out of my body no no latte stay down. down, boy, down.
7:59 - trodding that edge of exhaustion but swinging upwards towards wakefulness again hooray hooray \o/
also 2341, so that's a positive upward trend right there as well.
8:10 - i like how the very first sentence i ever wrote for this paper was the ending sentence and now it's looking more and more like it's going to be rendered obsolete b/c everything's taken a different direction.
also oh hey i was wrong about today being overcast. the sky is crazy blue outside my window right now.
8:49 - 2480. so i've hit the min pagecount, but i've still yet to touch the disastrous middle section, sighhh.
still need to do that, and finish off this section and segue it into a conclusion, and then go back and write one or two more sentences to round out the intro. and then finish up my biblio. thaaat should be doable before 2pm today. i hope >.>
9:48 - 2494. blahh hungry so imma get some fruit for breakfast and then keep going. sighh editing at this stage is such a paaain.
10:05 - nom nom nom fruit cup. the pieces of melon taste a little bit funny though. should've just gone for all peaches instead sighhh
10:06 - also, i was right about it being overcast today after all.
10:11 - ughh, srsly these melon pieces are super sketch. is there smth about pineapple juice that does smth to melons? b/c it's either that or these melons have been sitting out since the beginning of time and that's a disgusting alternative to think about.
10:31 - ooookay, back to work. sighhhh.
10:56 - getting sleeeeepy ohgod is this the caffeine wearing off no no i still need it no caffeine come baaack
11:09 - i am actually impressing myself w/ the analyses i am coming up w/, sweeeeet that means bs'ing skills are on full throttle rn
11:18 - nausea nausea nausea hoorayyy
can't even yawn properly for fear that i'll trigger my gag reflex smh. stop hating me, body. i know you want sleep but we'll get there when we get there gdi.
11:25 - i want to take a bathroom break to shake off this nausea but the janitor is cleaning the washrooms and ughhh he has the worst timinggggg.
11:33 - drank too much waterrrr i can't get rid of this bloated feeling. is it maybe time for smarties? i think it might beeeeee
12:13 - i have just under two hours left but still wading through the train wreck of excuses for paragraphs that i wrote two nights ago smfhhh what was i thinking. i still need to do a conclusion and finish off the intro, sighhhh.
12:18 - whoaaa, cut out all of the shitty bits and i still end up breaking onto a seventh page. i might be able to work w/ this after all a;dsfljk
12:41 - so glad i cut off the useless bits sadf;lj. so sleeeepy though ughh gotta pull through for just a little bit more. and then i've gotta send this off and then return my library books nrghhhhhh.
12:45 - also, so tempted to guzzle water to stay awake, but my tummy is already hating me for chugging water all night >.>
12:46 - someone just started singing feliz navidad in the hallway omg laughing forever
2:25 - now i have to put on pants and go return my library books though ughhhhh sob sob whyyyyyy
blarghhhhasd;jawogklsaskjd okay i'm just going to go