i just change my layout.. love it very much >.<
although it's totally not my usual style, but who cares, i just love it xD~ ♥♥♥
okay, full credits to
abellalayouts for the layout (though i change it a lil' bit)..
and for my user pic, credits to
mokaffe ....i found lots of great artworks in there... :)
well, thats it then..
take care..
Comments 3
perasaan dah dari kemaren deh ganti layoutnya XDDD
kmrn abis ngrubah, tadinya mo lsng posting tapi internet mati tiba2 dan kburu males mo nyalain lg uda jam2 pagi pula, so bsknya dahh br posting, kan sbg pengguna LJ yg baik saia harus mncantumkan credits...
btw, lucu kan lucu kan layout-nya hohoho...
walo bkn style skaleee...
nah kalo soal lucu ato tidak.....
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