Про квартирник. Время и место

Feb 07, 2014 10:59

Друзья, вот тут http://ib-podnebesnaya.livejournal.com/174913.html Ира Поднебесная, наша радушная хозяйка написала анонс нашего с Виталиком (akeon) квартирника ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

afectivo February 7 2014, 18:51:09 UTC
Действительно всем-всем можно?


mivak February 7 2014, 19:34:05 UTC
Конечно, и тебе тем более. Буду очень рад


ext_2572991 May 21 2014, 17:11:17 UTC


ext_2573492 May 21 2014, 17:11:11 UTC
Ага, солидарен...


semoabratiame January 18 2015, 03:47:52 UTC
CROSBY, ND Reuters - Just over a decade ago, this sleepy farming community on the fringe of North Dakota s Bakken shale formation hosted the state s first horizontal oil well to be hydraulically fractured, or fracked, helping set in motion an economic revolution that shook the world Sponsors an international conference on energy efficiency in buildings. The New York Times story on this deadly siege appeared on page A6 of Saturday s print edition, while the paper s story of the suicide bombing landed on page A8 While the reasons why some young Frenchmen are turning towards Islamist militancy are complicated, Oleg Kobtzeff, an assistant professor of international and comparative politics at the American University in Paris, says a useful step would be finding a way to limit the massive coverage isolated terrorist attacks receive He says much of the news coverage of such attacks amounts to free publicity for militant groups ( ... )


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