Title: Dancing in the dark
Pairing: Kanda/Allen
Rating: Uh. PG13, I guess...?
Summary: Sometimes, Allen starts thinking about Mana and the lies. That's when he needs Kanda the most.
I know I should be customizing my LJ right now, but I felt like posting. (・`ω´・) Also, this is a drabble, as in... it's ridiculously short.
Kanda’s fingertips are calloused from years of swinging Mugen on the battlefield… but Allen could care less. The way they slide on the back of his arms feels both wrong and right and it scares the young Exorcist to death, but he would never run away from this. The intensity of Kanda’s whole being keeps him sane through the cold nights when he’s not sure of anything, not even his name. Somehow, whispers and dark hair sliding across his cheeks are the only things that pull him from the darkest corner of his mind, where Allen is greeted by vicious words and menacing smiles.
Looking to his right, he can see the Japanese man’s eyes almost burning in the dark, studying the expressions his face makes when he’s deep in thought. Allen smiles, but it’s strained by the ache in his heart. Kanda’s hand finds his and, just for a second, he feels happy again.
“…Kanda?,” he asks, voice breaking. The boy winces at the utter weakness he is showing and swallows. “What’s the matter?”
The other doesn’t answer immediately. He stares at Allen for a few more seconds before leaning in to press a chaste kiss to his lips.
“Stop thinking, idiot.”
Allen wants to cry.
How could he not?
He wants to lie, to say something, anything… but Kanda leans in again and rests his forehead on Allen’s, making the boy go silent. His dark blue eyes could surely see through all his lies, so the other Exorcist decides to save his breath.
“I’m here, aren’t I? That should be enough, Allen.”
He doesn’t know if it’s Kanda’s rare confession or the way he whispers his name, but Allen starts crying, the tears spilling from his eyes but no sound coming out of his mouth. It’s amazing how this boy, no - man - can wash away all of his insecurities with a few words.
“Yes. You’re here.”
And that’s all that matters.