Trip Summary : Upstate New York 10/24-10/31

Nov 01, 2012 00:34

Not bad for a non-birding related trip! Some rare birds thanks to Hurricane Sandy. All sightings in Ulster County, New York unless specified.



1. Snow Goose - 3 off Hurley Mountain Road / Dug Hill Road in Hurley 10/26

2. BRANT - 2 on lawn just S of Kingston Point Beach 10/28, 1 with Canada Geese at Stone Ridge Pond 10/29, 40 flying south along Hudson River at Esopus Meadows Lighthouse 10/31 (all birds assumed to be ssp. hrota)

3. Canada Goose - numerous anywhere near water - including 4 at Annsville Creek, Westchester Co. 10/24, 15 at Garrison Golf Course, Putnam Co. 10/24, 12 at US-9 / Van Wyck Lake Rd in Fishkill, Dutchess Co. 10/24, 50 at Mill Creek Golf Course, Orange Co. 10/24; daily off Lucas Ave in Cottekill and at Forsyth Park in Kingston, but highest number in Ulster Co. was 1500 at Spring Lake in Ulster on 10/31 (all birds assumed to be ssp. canadensis)

* (domestic) Graylag Goose - 1 white goose at Stone Ridge Pond 10/29

4. (i) Mute Swan - 1 at Stone Ridge Pond 10/29

5. Wood Duck - 3 at Sleightsburgh Spit Park 10/28

6. Gadwall - 8 at Stone Ridge Pond 10/29

7. AMERICAN BLACK DUCK - 2 at Stone Ridge Pond 10/29, 7 flying N of Forsyth Park and Nature Center 10/31

8. Mallard - 2 at Cluett Shantz Memorial Park in Milton 10/24, 1 flyover at Lucas Ave residence 10/26, 30 at Stone Ridge Pond 10/29, 2 flyover at Ashokan Reservoir--Frying Pan / Gate E-27 10/30, 2 at Block Park in Kingston 10/30

9. Ring-necked Duck - 1 at Ashokan Reservoir--Dike Road / Gate E-16 (next to dike) 10/31

10. WHITE-WINGED SCOTER - 2 at Ashokan Reservoir--Dike Road / Gate E-16, presumed Hurricane Sandy vagrants 10/31

11. BLACK SCOTER - 12 at Ashokan Reservoir--Dike Road / Gate E-16, presumed Hurricane Sandy vagrants 10/31

12. LONG-TAILED DUCK - 1 at Ashokan Reservoir--Dike Road / Gate E-16, with scoter flock 10/31

13. Bufflehead - 2 at Ashokan Reservoir--Dike Road / Gate E-16, with scoter flock 10/31

14. RED-THROATED LOON - 1 swimming north along Hudson River at Esopus Meadows Lighthouse 10/31

15. Common Loon - 1 at Ashokan Reservoir--Frying Pan / Gate E-27 10/30, 2 at Ashokan Reservoir--Dike Road / Gate E-16 10/31

16. Horned Grebe - 1 at Ashokan Reservoir--Frying Pan / Gate E-27 10/30, 2 at Ashokan Reservoir--Dike Road / Gate E-16 10/31

17. Double-crested Cormorant - 4 swimming in Hudson River just north of Kingston Point Beach 10/28

18. Turkey Vulture - singles and pairs seen almost daily except 10/27 and 10/29

19. Northern Harrier - 1 at Posquiello Creekside Road in Hurley 10/26, 2 at Ashokan Reservoir--Frying Pan / Gate E-27 10/30, 1 at US-209 / NY-28 in Kingston 10/30

20. Sharp-shinned Hawk - 1 at Forsyth Park and Nature Center 10/28, 1 at Sleightsburgh Spit Park 10/28

21. Cooper's Hawk - 1 at NY-299 / Jenkins Ln in New Paltz 10/26

22. Bald Eagle - 1 immature at NY-32 / Bonticou View Dr in New Paltz 10/24, 1 adult at Sleightsburgh Spit Park 10/28, 1 immature at Ashokan Reservoir--Dike Road / Gate E-16 10/31

23. Red-shouldered Hawk - 1 at Kingston Point Park 10/28, 1 at Lucas Ave residence 10/29

24. Red-tailed Hawk - 1 at Taconic State Pkwy / NY-9A in Westchester (Westchester Co.) 10/24, 1 at NY-32 / Culinarian's Home in New Paltz 10/24, 1 at Wallkill View Farm Market in New Paltz 10/26, 1 on River Road just north of Esopus Meadows Lighthouse Park 10/31, 1 at CR-28 / Kovacs Dr in Hurley 10/31 (all presumed eastern race)

25. Killdeer - 1 flying north of Forsyth Park and Nature Center (probably working short grass at Dietz Stadium) 10/26

26. Ring-billed Gull - common near Hudson River and Ashokan Reservoir, max count 117 at Kingston Point Beach 10/28

27. American Herring Gull - 10 at Annsville Creek (Westchester Co.) 10/24, 2 at Ashokan Reservoir--Dike Road / Gate E-16 10/31

28. Great Black-backed Gull - 1 at Ashokan Reservoir--Dike Road / Gate E-16 10/31

29. (i) Rock Pigeon - sedentary flocks seen in town at Fishkill, Kingston, New Paltz, and Rosendale (max 30 at Kingston Point Beach 10/28 and NY-213 / Abeel St in Kingston 10/30)

30. Mourning Dove - singles and small groups seen intermittently in rural and suburban areas - high counts were 5 at CR-12 / CR-15 in Lloyd 10/24 and 4 on wire at CR-24 / Hudson Ln in Ulster Park 10/31

31. Great Horned Owl - 1 heard from Lucas Ave residence 10/27

32. Barred Owl - 1 heard at Hunter Mountain Resort (Greene Co.) while ziplining 10/27, 1 heard from Lucas Ave residence 10/31

33. Belted Kingfisher - 2 at Sleightsburgh Spit Park 10/28, 1 at Stone Ridge Pond 10/29

34. Red-bellied Woodpecker - seen or heard daily at Lucas Ave residence; 1 at Posquiello Creekside Road 10/26, 1 at Ashokan Reservoir--Frying Pan / Gate E-27 10/30

35. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 1 just north of Esopus Meadows Lighthouse Park 10/31

36. Downy Woodpecker - singles or pairs seen just about everywhere involving mature trees, seen daily

37. Hairy Woodpecker - 1 at Lucas Ave residence 10/24-25 and 10/29, 1 at Forsyth Park and Nature Center 10/25

38. Northern (Yellow-shafted) Flicker - 1 flew across CR-1 at CR-7 in Kingston 10/28

39. Pileated Woodpecker - 1 at Lucas Ave residence 10/25-26, 10/29, and 10/31; 1 at Minnewaska State Park Preserve 10/26

40. American Kestrel - 1 on wire at US-9 / Wood Rd in Fishkill (Dutchess Co.), 1 perched on soccer goal in fields at Posquiello Creekside Rd 10/26

41. Merlin - 1 flew over Esopus Creek at Posquiello Creekside Rd 10/26

42. Blue Jay - singles to small groups almost everywhere - high counts include 5 at Forsyth Park and Nature Center 10-25/26 and 4 at Minnewaska State Park Preserve 10/26

43. American Crow - singles to mid-sized flocks almost everywhere, especially agricultural areas - high count of 60 at orchard near CR-24 / Hudson Ln, Ulster Park 10/31

44. Common Raven - 1 at Forsyth Park and Nature Center 10/25, 2 over Lake Minnewaska / Minnewaska State Park Preserve 10/26, 1 at CR-1 / Heritage Dr in Hurley 10/27

45. Tree Swallow - two very late birds initially misidentified as Leach's Storm-Petrels at Ashokan Reservoir--Dike Road / Gate E-16 10/31

46. Black-capped Chickadee - seen almost daily in wooded areas throughout Ulster and Greene Counties including Hunter Mountain, high count of 12 at Sleightsburgh Spit Park 10/28

47. Tufted Titmouse - as many as 5 seen almost daily at Lucas Ave residence, with pairs and small groups elsewhere

48. White-breasted Nuthatch - up to 3 at Forsyth Park and Nature Center 10/25-26, up to 2 at Lucas Ave residence 10/26 and 10/29-30, 1 at Minnewaska State Park Preserve 10/26, 1 at Ashokan Reservoir--Dike Road / Gate E-16 10/31

49. WINTER WREN - 1 heard singing and then responding to playback at Lucas Ave residence 10/26

50. Carolina Wren - up to 2 at Forsyth Park and Nature Center 10/25 and 10/31, 1 at Sleightsburgh Spit Park 10/28

51. Golden-crowned Kinglet - passing through at high numbers before Hurricane Sandy, then significantly fewer afterwards; high counts of 40 at Lucas Ave residence and 28 at Minnewaska State Park Preserve on 10/26

52. Ruby-crowned Kinglet - up to 8 at Lucas Ave residence 10/24-26, singles at Forsyth Park and Nature Center and Minnewaska State Park Preserve 10/26, Ashokan Reservoir Frying Pan 10/30 and Dike Road 10/31

53. Veery - 1 at Minnewaska State Park Preserve 10/26

54. Gray-cheeked Thrush - 1 at Minnewaska State Park Preserve 10/26

55. Swainson's Thrush - 1 at Lucas Ave residence 10/26, 2 at Minnewaska State Park Preserve 10/26

56. Hermit Thrush - 5 at Minnewaska State Park Preserve 10/26, up to 3 at Lucas Ave residence 10/27 and 10/29-31, 1 at Sleightsburgh Spit Park 10/28

57. American Robin - common on almost every lawn in the area, with large flocks (up to 200) overhead just after dawn and just before dusk especially near Kingston

58. Gray Catbird - 1 at Forsyth Park and Nature Center 10/26, 1 at Posquiello Creekside Road 10/26 - both rather late

59. Northern Mockingbird - 1 at Forsyth Park and Nature Center 10/26 and 10/28, 1 at Posquiello Creekside Road 10/26, 1 flying across CR-1 at CR-7 in Kingston 10/27, 1 at Sleightsburgh Spit Park 10/28

60. (i) European Starling - common to abundant in towns, high count of 60 at Forsyth Park and Nature Center 10/25

61. American Pipit - about 100 at farm fields off Posquiello Creekside Road 10/26

62. Cedar Waxwing - up to 150 in New Paltz 10/24 and 10/26, just 2 at Forsyth Park and Nature Center 10/26, 20 at Hunter Mountain 10/27, 30 at Emmanuel's Market Place in Stone Ridge 10/28, 4 at Ashokan Reservoir--Frying Pan / Gate E-27 10/30

63. Palm Warbler (Yellow) - 1 at Posquiello Creekside Road 10/26, 2 at Minnewaska State Park Preserve 10/27

64. Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) - 1 at Forsyth Park and Nature Center 10/25-26, 2 at Posquiello Creekside Road 10/26

65. Chipping Sparrow - 2 at Posquiello Creekside Road 10/26

66. FIELD SPARROW - 2 at Posquiello Creekside Road 10/26

67. Vesper Sparrow - 2 at Posquiello Creekside Road 10/26

68. Savannah Sparrow - 50 at Posquiello Creekside Road 10/26

69. Song Sparrow - 2 at Posquiello Creekside Road 10/26, 4 at Sleightsburgh Spit Park 10/28

70. Lincoln's Sparrow - 2 at Posquiello Creekside Road 10/26

71. Swamp Sparrow - 5 at Posquiello Creekside Road 10/26, 1 at at Sleightsburgh Spit Park 10/28

72. White-throated Sparrow - seen almost daily, high counts of 10 at Posquiello Creekside Road 10/26 and 5 at Forsyth Park and Nature Center 10/25

73. White-crowned Sparrow - 5 at Posquiello Creekside Road 10/26

74. Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) - abundant - high counts of 50 at Forsyth Park and Nature Center 10/25 and Hunter Mountain Ski Resort 10/27

75. Northern Cardinal - daily in small groups - high count of 4 at Forsyth Park and Nature Center 10/25

76. Red-winged Blackbird - surprisingly sparse - 2 at Lucas Ave residence and at Posquiello Creekside Road 10/26

77. Common Grackle - 1 at NY-299 / Wallkill River (Carmine Liberta Bridge) in New Paltz 10/26, 5 at I-87 / US-209 in Lake Katrine 10/27

78. Brown-headed Cowbird - 2 at Posquiello Creekside Road 10/26

79. Purple Finch - 2 at Posquiello Creekside Road 10/26

80. House Finch - 1 at NY-299 / Wallkill River (Carmine Liberta Bridge) in New Paltz 10/26

81. Pine Siskin - large flocks early, but essentially vanished after Hurricane Sandy - high count of 60 at Forsyth Park and Nature Center 10/25

82. American Goldfinch - 4 at Sleightsburgh Spit Park and 3 at Kingston Point Park 10/28

83. (i) House Sparrow - first bird upon landing at HPN 10/24 and common in town at Kingston (up to 200 at Forsyth Park and Nature Center 10/25) and New Paltz

Green-winged Teal (American) (reported off Basin Road at Ashokan Reservoir but not accessible to me due to lack of recreational permit for the reservoir)
Ruddy Duck (reported at Falling Waters Preserve 10/30)
Least Storm-Petrel (reported from River Road at Port Ewen 10/30)
Wild Turkey (ironically, seen by the family at Lucas Ave residence 10/27 and 10/31 while I was out birding)
Great Blue Heron (reported at Ashokan Reservoir 10/27 and 10/30-31)
Great Egret (reported in Saugerties 10/25, 10/30)
Black Vulture (reported from Shawangunk Grasslands NWR 10/27)
American Coot (reported from Ashokan Reservoir 10/31)
Solitary Sandpiper (reported from Ashokan Reservoir 10/27)
Greater Yellowlegs (reported from Ashokan Reservoir 10/25 and 10/27)
Lesser Yellowlegs (reported from Ashokan Reservoir 10/27)
Peregrine Falcon (reported from Ashokan Reservoir 10/27 and 10/30-31)
Horned Lark (reported from Ashokan Reservoir 10/25 and 10/27)
Red-breasted Nuthatch (reported from Rosendale 10/25)
Brown Creeper (reported from Saugerties 10/26-27 and 10/30)
Snow Bunting (reported from Ashokan Reservoir 10/27)
Nashville Warbler (reported from Shawangunk Grasslands NWR 10/27)
Fox Sparrow (reported from Posquiello Creekside Rd 10/27)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (reported from Rosendale 10/29)
Eastern Meadowlark (reported from Shawangunk Grasslands NWR 10/27)
Evening Grosbeak (up to 12 at Forsyth Park and Nature Center 10/23-24, vanished by the following day never to return; reported from Saugerties 10/27-29)


Eastern Gray Squirrel - common everywhere
Eastern Chipmunk - at Lucas Ave residence and Forsyth Park and Nature Center
Muskrat - 1 at Forsyth Park and Nature Center pond 10/25
Woodchuck - 1 at Lowe's in New Paltz 10/24, 1 at Forsyth Park and Nature Center 10/25
White-tailed Deer - up to 3 at Lucas Ave residence almost daily
Red Fox - 1 seen at very close range at Sleightsburgh Spit Park 10/28
AMERICAN MINK - 1 at Ashokan Reservoir--Dike Road / Gate E-16 10/31

TOTAL: 83 bird species (8 lifers), 7 mammal species (1 lifer)


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