Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: so0o..
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: furry porn
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: doesn't it hurt
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: when your jacking off
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: and your hands start growing fur
outoftimeagain: nah, i like it
outoftimeagain: my kink too
outoftimeagain: transformation, that is
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: oh shit i forgot
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: you have those glove things
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: okay
outoftimeagain: those are alex's, i gave him
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: oh gawd whatever
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: okay
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: what if
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: someone
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: gave you a stuffed
outoftimeagain: he really hasnt given me much in return, no one ever does, lol
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: whatever creature you pretend to be
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: like a stuffed dead dog
outoftimeagain: lol
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: with a hole in the back of it
outoftimeagain: er...
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: would you fuck it?
outoftimeagain: doubt it
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: you could pretend it was the real thing
outoftimeagain: eh, nah
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: you fail as a furry
outoftimeagain: that a good thing?
outoftimeagain: o.o
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: no?
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: if your a furry
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: you shouldn't fail at being one
outoftimeagain: eh... i guess... if i was really desperate.... but still no
outoftimeagain: it would just be gross to fuck up the interior of it
outoftimeagain: though, if it was purposely a 'sex-toy'
outoftimeagain: then duh
outoftimeagain: but not a dead dog
outoftimeagain: haha
outoftimeagain: more llike my character
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: no i mean
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: like a dead stuffed hyena
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: designed to be a sex toy
outoftimeagain: haha, prolly
outoftimeagain: fuck if i know
outoftimeagain: i never had a sex toy
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: that's a lie
outoftimeagain: no it isnt
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: anything that aids you in masterbation can be considered a sex toy
outoftimeagain: hell, ive never jerked off in my life
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: from a patch of fur
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: to a stuffed toy
outoftimeagain: is it wront to fuck a stuffed toy?
outoftimeagain: wrong*
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: yes, because it hurts its feelings and it can be considered rape
outoftimeagain: imo, prolly feels nicer than a vynil virgin blow up doll
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: what if the doll had a hyena face?
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: and chia pets
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: a hyena chia pet
outoftimeagain: hmm... tough call
outoftimeagain: imo, the blow up dolls look fugly to begin with
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: that's why it'll wear a hyena mask
outoftimeagain: oh murr...
outoftimeagain: why can't you wear a hyena mask, and I'll fuck you? No wait... you already look like one. Nevermind...
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: man that really hurt my feelings
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: i feel like cutting myself now
outoftimeagain: *fucks ya anyways*
outoftimeagain: Emo hilton
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: what if your mom
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: or some really fat dude
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: in drag
outoftimeagain: that'd be your mom then
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: more like my
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: umm..
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: idol?
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: either divine or john waters
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: but anyways
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: yeah
outoftimeagain: doesn't make sense, you anorexic prick
outoftimeagain: but ok
outoftimeagain: i still love you
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: i have this werid thing for fat trannies who star in john waters films
outoftimeagain: and will fuck you with or without a hyena mack involved
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: well this one trannie
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: you should fuck a tranny
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: or omg
outoftimeagain: can herms fuck themselves?
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: how about
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: a hollowed out
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: hyena paw
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: like those portable vagina things
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: in a cup
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: but a paw
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: would you fuck the hyena paw portable cup
outoftimeagain: can i hollow you out then?
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: demons are superior to animals
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: and you can't hollow out demons
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: you can hollow out a dead hyena and fuck it
outoftimeagain: your herat's pretty hollow
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: herats?
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: hhey
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: would you eat
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: a hyena\
outoftimeagain: eat or eat out?
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: both?
outoftimeagain: ya cant really eat one out
outoftimeagain: they all got dicks
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: fine
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: then you can eat dick
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: and then eat the rest of it
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: like those serial killers
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: who molest kids
Xx0PoisonGirl0xX: and eat them
outoftimeagain: That was only Mr. Rodgers...