Title: Arrogant Prick
joanne_cFandom: Iron Man 2
Pairing/character: Justin Hammer/Tony Stark
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Iorn Man is the property of Marvel and Stan Lee, not me.
Notes: I've been thinking this since I saw the movie. And I don't mean the part about Tony (though I do, and that's why I love him).
Tony Stark was an arrogant prick. That was a principle by which Justin Hammer lived his life. Tony and his fancy cars and any model he wanted in his bed for one night, and Pepper Potts to get rid of them when Tony wanted.
Just once, one time, Justin would like to see Tony Stark ruffled. Or pushed down completely would be good too. Really anything that wasn't that shit eating grin topping that body that might have been through some abuse if the rumours were true, but remained what was called banging by the kind of women Justin did not pick up unless he was desperate.
He'd heard the term rather more than he thought necessary, but, reluctantly, he had to admit that it fitted.
Not that Justin noticed.
He certainly didn't wonder if he could get Tony on his knees. If Justin could be the one to ruffle that famous Stark calm.
Justin certainly didn't think about it while he was in the shower. Naked.
He didn't grasp his cock and stroke it as he imagined Tony choking on it. He didn't imagine Tony begging for more.
He absolutely did not tighten his grip on his cock and stroke it to the rhythm of Tony's imagined moans.
He didn't come with Tony's name on his lips.
Justin Hammer didn't think about Tony Stark that way.
Justin Hammer? Was straight.
And Tony Stark was still an arrogant prick.