Title: Smile and the World Similes with You (Unabridged Version)
Pairing/Characters: JunDa, Nakamaru, brief mentions of Kame
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own any of them since they sold themselves to J&A over 10 years ago.
Word Count: ~3700
Summary: Taguchi and Ueda look back at their relationship on a very special day.
Warning: Un-betaed as usual
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Comments 4
WILL THAT BE THE NEXT PAIRING? :O Please write a sequel or I'll hang you before you hang yourself, lol.
I can see why you can't stop writing about Nakamaru in this fict >__< His character is so interesting. Like a mix of serious!Nakamaru and general!Nakamaru XD
Poor Koki; I hope he'll be able to make an appearance. I don't remember ever reading about him from your ficts, haha
Thank you so much for writing ~ I might try my best to attempt a MaruDa again during Christmas *coughcoughcough* and this time, I will chuck Junno out of the window, don't worry
I have some ideas for the NaKame but a bit hard to write, mainly because I don't read a lot of NaKame (definitely less than JunDa haha)
Eh don't so mean leh hang me -_-
Yes I love my Nakamaru here haha. Feel like writing more of this kind of Nakamaru in the future hehe xP
I feel very sorry for Koki too. I read a lot of Junno/Koki in Chinese fics (esp those written last time always will have Akame Maruda and Junno/Koki) but in English very rare haha.
Thanks for reading! :) Ganbatte! I think I will write the NaKame before Christmas lah. But don't show your sister hor later she faint at my grammar HAHA
I love staring at this userpic Ueda why you so pretty hehe
As much as I want the loose ends to be tied up, they make the story more real, like a slice of life. I'd want the sequel so Koki gets a chance to appear! XD And I dare say it won't need a pairing! ^^
On hindsight perhaps I should have found a better use for my time than creating the abridged version xP;;
I will make Koki appear, paired or not! *is determined*
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