Yesterday I spent the day milling around the house for most of the morning, checking for updates and emails on the computer, taxing my brain for clever responses, petting furry things and finally in a moment of, I got to get outta here revelation, I went, got in my car and drove to my favorite $1 movie house. It is a place where I go often and I
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Comments 7
Hey mixin.....rate my story. You'll find it on top of the world, in the gutter, or somewhere on the thin layer we call surface. I'll bet you are writing a thriller! I can't wait to see the movie!
Great review!
Rate you??? Oh the pressure.
Reminds me of my telling my therapist if she writes a book; to please use my real name - because it's the real me.
Yeah and I always told my therapist that "I just want to be Normal"...he said did you ever think that you might is just all the other folks that aren't?
Now that made me wonder!
Sue Anne said "so you mean you want to be Conservative. I said - hell no. She said, then I guess you are already what I would consider "normal"
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