Title: The Claw Game
Author: Miyabita
Characters: Kureno, Machi, Mogeta
Written For: Furuba-Rama Monthly Challenge n'
100_situationsTheme: #54 - Luck
Rating: PG - for mild language and the abuse of a toy vending machine XD
Summary: In which Kureno learns why you should never fall asleep on park benches.
Warnings: Spoilers up through chapters 97/98 of
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Comments 21
And I thought the structure was very good. I didn't really notice any mistakes or anything. It flowed very well.
Good job!
Lol... I don't think I've ever won anything in those games. I always hit the buttons too early. ^^;;
Aaah, this goes to MY memories too. *<333* Gawd. You have to be to hottest person alive to write adorable stuff like this, Mel. Seriously, I love you so much for actually doing it--you have no idea how much I fangirled after I disappeared off YM that night. (>.> Sorry about that... I was having Mom trouble again.)
Machi wants me to write some sort of sister-fic/continuation piece... so you might be seeing that sometime in the future. (I guess I get the donut baton passed to me, ne? ^___^ I totally still want to stick those two in a Dunkin Donuts. XD)
Again, I love this to utter pieces. I don't know why you worried about writing Machi, you did it perfectly. <33 *hugs* Thank you so much.
And where's my donut fic?
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