Title: Alex, Epilouge 1 - Alex's First Sleepover
Pairing: Nichkhun/Wooyoung
Rating: R
Summary: Nichkhun, Wooyoung and Alex.
A/N: After a couple weeks of promising I'd write some Alex Epilogues here is the first one. Please Do Enjoy! xoxo, MIYA :)
Epilogue 1 )
Comments 23
gosh these overly exploded cuteness and fluffies makes me fall in love more in this family >[]<
and Lex is just adorably chuute!
i swoon over this child, and he's a figment of my imagination. i can only hope my own son (the one i have yet to conceive and give birth to), Schylur Nichkhun Jang, will be this sweet.
and yes, i don't care what my fiance/husband will think. i'm naming on of our sons after nichkhun. haha. :)
giving your future child with this gorjes name Schylur Nichkhun Jang..haha..if your fiance/hubby love you really much they shudnt really mind those name..kkk
i just cant wait khunyoung having babies of their own! XDDD
omo miya...I'm breathless while I read this...they have to be quiet during their love making...I tought it's so hard since woo must be so noisy..khekhekhe
khun..I know ure definitely want a night with woo all alone...and woo u're worry to much about ur baby,let him grow an play with his friend while u can "play" with khun!!
aww...alex u're definitely worry about ur daddy woo when u hear him scream...ure so cute u know,of course coz u're the mixture of daddy woo and daddy khun...so kyeopta
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