Requests Closed

May 28, 2007 19:39

EDIT REQUESTS ARE NOW CLOSED. I might open them up again in the future, who knows. I have other things I want to finish first. XD


I'm accepting requests at the moment, because I've been having a bit of trouble thinking of anything to write. So, I'll take the first ten people who request, and who knows--I might open it up for more later on. Just fill this out, please! ^_^

Pairing(s) [if any]:
Genre [if you care]:

Okay, basically I will write for the following fandoms: Dir en grey, Gazette, alicenine., Naruto, Bleach, Final Fantasy VII, Nobuta wo Produce or Death Note. I will only crossover Dir en grey and Gazette, so sorry if you wanted like, ShouxAoi or something. XD There's no pairing restrictions for Jrock. I do have a soft spot for DiexShinya, ReitaxRuki, ToraxSaga, KakashixIruka, HitsugayaxYachiru, RenoxRufus, AkiraxShuuji and LxLight. I WILL NOT write NarutoxSasuke. I'm sorry. -__- Check out my tags for other examples of what I'll write.

Prompts can be anything from a sentence to a word, a song, a picture, or specific instructions (include the word balloon and have [character one] dressed as a clown, for example). I do write better when given more freedom, but... XD Also, make sure to let me know what you do not want. Say, if you give me ReitaxRuki and that's it, I'm very likely to write smut. So if you don't want smut, let me know. I decide length of whatever I write, though.

One of these days I'll get around to a more complete list of my fandoms and pairings, but for now that's how it is. :)

Fandom: gazette
Pairing: uruha x reita
Genre: sugary sweet fluff!
add in smut with a bit of restrains and loads of teasing if possible.
Prompt: lollipop, reading a book, a lost bet...
Requested by: scottskydweller

Fandom: Gazette/Dir en grey
Pairing: KyoxReita
Genre: whatever it is that you wish...xD
Prompt: Cause I'm evil and I can!
Requested by: gazerockyo

Fandom: Gazette
Pairing: Uruha/Kai (uruha seme)
Genre: Romantic sex, nc-17
Prompt: Uruha and Kai's first time.
Requested by: nyanya_nobara

Fandom: Gazette
Pairing: UruhaxAoi
Genre: smut, romance (a little bit of NC-17 maybe? :9)
Prompt: Aoi doesn't like shopping, but Uruha loves it. But this time Aoi does enjoy it suddenly because he has some stores in mind where he wants to buy "stuff" to use when they come back home, because he has something in mind for Uruha. (I know this sounds soooo bad, but I kinda thought of this right now xD)
Requested by: gazette_mor

Fandom: Gazette
Pairing: RukixReita
Genre: Romance, NC-17
Prompt: anything you can dish out...
Requested by: bound_memories

Fandom: Gazette
Pairing: Aoi/Reita
Genre: nc-17
Prompt: ummm... strawberries xD
Requested by: mad_hatt

Fandom: Gazette
Pairing: Aoi x Kai
Genre: NC-17
Prompt: Aoi seducing Kai *O* *nods* me like that <3 XD
Requested by: crystal_witch

Fandom: Gazette
Pairing: Ruki x Kai
Genre: anything is fine ^^;;
Prompt: Alzheimer's disease,O is for Optimistic,"What is the future? It's a blank sheet of paper and we draw lines on it, but sometimes our hand is held, and the lines we draw aren't the ones we wanted." John Marsden
Requested by: highperson2002

Fandom: Dir en Grey
Pairing: Die x Kyo
Genre: fluffy fluff and NC-17
Prompt: I don't care ^o^v
Requested by: funky_fresh_day

Fandom: Gazette
Pairing: Reita x Kai
Genre: fluff and smut X3
Prompt: Whatever you want ^^
Requested by: pink_miss_1912


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