Name: Anna
Stamped as: lin&jiji
5 positive adjectives to describe you: Determined, honest, loyal, open minded, intelligent and creative
5 negative adjectives to describe you: moody, sarcastic, a bit selfish sometimes
Strenghts/talents: I pay attention to details and I think I can read people pretty well.
Weaknesses/shortcomings:Sometimes i can be sooo stubborn! Probably because I don't like being open to the possibility that I could be wrong and I'm not very good at changing my mind.
Likes/hobbies/interests:Reading, writing, photography, tea, tennis,videogames, animals, sleeping, coffee, manga, anime, books, reading, writings, daydreaming
Dislikes/pet peeves:Discrimination,being stressed, intolerance,iars,close-minded people, waiting, slow internet connection,ignorance,being ignored,spiders,embarrassing situations, bugs, headaches,rude people,being alone,horror films,hypocrites,being wrong
This or that
Introverted or extroverted:Definitely more extroverted
Kind or selfish:Kind for the most part, but I can be selfish sometimes
Optimistic or pessimistic:Pessimistic! The glass is always half empty for me.
Mature or immature:Immature, especially with my friends
A leader or a follower:Leader, I don't like being told what to do
Impulsive or cautious:Impulsive. I really rush into things without thinking and get into trouble for it
Disorganized or systematic:Disorganized
Have you seen this movie?:yes
If not, why?:/
If so, did you like it?:yes, I like it
Which of the characters do you think is nothing like you?: Dola.
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