Name: Olivia
Stamped as:
Ursula [Regular]
Kiki [Female Mirror]
5 positive adjectives to describe you: Romantic, independent, ambitious, loyal, determined
5 negative adjectives to describe you: Stubborn, pride, quiet, over-dramatic, sensitive
Strenghts/talents: I am really good in theatre & art/photography
Weaknesses/shortcomings: I am not good at some sports, i.e. baseball and volleyball
Likes/hobbies/interests: movies, acting/directing, reading, traveling, photography, music, daydreaming, walking, Disney, Inglourious Basterds, Sherlock Holmes
Dislikes/pet peeves: Immaturity, inappropriateness, irresponsibility, rudeness, no music, quietness, procrastination, strict rules
This or that
Introverted or extroverted: Introverted
Kind or selfish: Kind
Optimistic or pessimistic: Optimistic
Mature or immature: Mature
A leader or a follower: Leader
Impulsive or cautious: I can be both
Disorganized or systematic: I can be both
Have you seen this movie?: Yes!
If not, why?:
If so, did you like it?: Of course! It's one of my favs!
Which of the characters do you think is nothing like you?: I really don't know~
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