mizuko - (spirit of) stillborn, aborted, or miscarried infant
When you say a word too many times, each pronounciation of the word blends into the next, and the word loses all meaning. Sometimes people become like that, too. Emi (middle) is Lenore (sad) is Elizabeth (clever) is Mei Yi (naive and first) is Hoshiko (desperate and longing) is ------- (happy, real).
Emi is one aspect of -------, feels disconnected. Emi is main personification, but Emi fades away as summer does, violent-type relationship ended with bad memory, Lenore is before and after Emi, Lenore becomes Elizabeth, Mei Yi was first before all (with J), Mei Yi left when the unicorns were gone, Hoshiko is after Elizabeth (with M before the end), Lily is (An., funny, happy-not-happy, loves-doesn't,), Lily is before Emi, after/with Lenore.
Not different person, but sometimes people wake up and don't feel like themselves, or say a name or hear a name or think of a name and it just fits them suddenly.
Emi back and forth then right before the end, (beginning, after flashbacks), real ------- is there and happy.