D.Gray-man adoptable chibies - Archive post

Sep 12, 2005 20:40

This shall be the archive post for all my D.Gray-man sprites. ^_^

As the title says, these are adoptable, so feel free to take some home, if you like any~
Just please:
- Save them to your image host. For the love of penguins, DON'T DIRECT LINK from my photobucket. Please. (Just ask if you don't know what this means. ^^;)
- Link them to this particular post~

Here's the code, just in case:

http://www.livejournal.com/users/miyuun/20108.html" style="text-decoration:none;">

Comments, suggestions, flames, etc, are appreciated~

NEW: Edited the Kanda sprites for they looked TOO UKE! ...They were 36px tall, against Allen and Rabi's 38px. ...A serious issue.
So I added some bit of ponytail there.

X-posted to dgray_man:
First post.

graphics: icon sprites, series: d.gray

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