Dustdevils app, or more on the boarding house lady

Aug 16, 2009 20:50

PLAYER karihan
NAME: Chris
IM: CavyBwee on AIM
E-MAIL: kurisukarihan (at) gmail (dot) org

CHARACTER NAME: Keziah Forrest, usually goes by Miz Keziah, or Ziah to her closest friends.
FANDOM: OC, a highly revamped version of a character that was originally a Battlestar Galactica OC.

Keziah was born in Dustdevil in 1828 to Clement and Lucy Hadley and was their only child to survive to adulthood. She married Meriwether Forrest at the age of 17, but her husband proved too restless to learn the management of the small boarding house her family ran, and in 1847 the couple set off for central California. After Clement and Lucy died three years later, the people of the town got no more word on the doings of their daughter, and so her return in 1854 came as a considerable surprise. She arrived with no husband, her infant son Thaddeus and an unspecified but apparently significant amount of money, which some said Meriwether won from the gold fields before he died. Others, perhaps more knowledgeable, said Keziah urged her husband to invest in supplies needed by the gold-fevered prospectors. Whatever the truth of the matter, the widow found her family's boarding house languishing under the neglect of a landlord who refused to sell to a woman. He did agree to rent to her, though, and Keziah set about turning the place into a respectable and profitable business again. These days she is as much a pillar of the community as a woman in trade can be, willing to offer a home-cooked meal or sound advice to those who need it. She saw to it that Thaddeus received as good an education as could be had in the time and place. He keeps the books and does the purchasing, but is showing signs of his father's restless nature.

Keziah's tranquil, ladylike demeanor conceals a resolute personality, very much the iron hand in the velvet glove. Since her return to Dustdevil she has dedicated most of her considerable energy to her business, to provide her son with a secure income and responsible position after her death. She has given time and effort to the community in various ways, but any suitors looking to court the bereaved widow were kept gently but firmly at arm's length, on the assumption that a new husband would go through her money, insist on leaving the boarding house to a child of his own, or both. She is well aware what her stubborn independence has cost her in the way of companionship, but assumes that at her current age she's no longer likely to attract a man's romantic interest anyway. Besides which, she has very firm opinions on the idea that women are naturally subordinate to men, and while she doesn't trumpet them at the top of her lungs, neither does she hide them under a bushel, thank you.

Her son Thad is probably her biggest blind spot. Though diligent enough about helping to keep the business in the black, he has been known to frequent both the saloon and Miss Pamela's (people have been delicate enough to keep the details from his mother), and talks wistfully about traveling for a time as his father did. Keziah believes that he needs a wife's steadying influence to settle him down, conveniently ignoring the fact that she was unable to "settle" her own husband much.

POWER/SKILL: She has no supernatural skills, though she does have a sharp mind, a fair insight where people are concerned and a deal of common sense. Oh, and she's a decent shot too.

ooc, dustdevils
