Day 11
In your own space, talk about a creator. Show us why you think they are amazing. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
Sometimes, you find an author whose stuff is so good, you'll read anything they write, even if it isn't your pairing. Or possibly even your fandom.
For me, one of those authors is nirejseki. I found them on AO3, writing one of my favorite fandom pairings atm, Captain Cold/Flash. I fell hard and fast for their writing, could see and hear every bit of it, especially Leonard "Captain Cold" Snart (who I possibly, maybe, kind of sort of have a massive crush on, and thank you Wentworth Miller for your insanely wonderful interpretation of this character). So when I ran out of ColdFlash, I went to see what else they'd written.
Most of it was/is Len Snart and his long-time partner in crime, Mick "Heatwave" Rory. Not my fave pairing, I thought, but hey, worth a look. And now I'm completely sold. The snark, the banter, the canon history turned beautifully into a long-time relationship... gorgeous. And they are such complete dorks, rarely willing to talk about feelings, so very much the old married couple that have been together forever. And when the rating is explicit - oh my.
It's hard to pick just a few fics, but here are some of my faves (other than the three on my Day 5 post):
Lil Bro series by nirejseki, Flash/Legends of Tomorrow, Mick/Len, Barry
So yeah, this series is amazing. Mick decides to... acquire a younger brother, and finds Barry soon after his mother's murder, but before Joe was able to take him in. I love how everyone is still so in character, and yet so different in some ways.
No Place Like Home by nirejseki, Flash/Legends of Tomorrow, Mick/Len, Jax
Another little divergence from canon that I adore. Len, as it turns out, is related to Jefferson "Firestorm" Jackson. This fic starts when Jax is 6 or 7 and goes through the 1st season finale. Again, the way canon and AU are woven together is masterful
Speed Dial 1 (for Supernatural) by nirejseki, Flash/Legends of Tomorrow, Mick/Len/Sara Lance
An AU where the Rogues are supernatural creatures? Yes please!
Theodicy by nirejseki, Flash/Legends of Tomorrow, Mick/Len
I can't describe just how perfectly wonderful this fic is. Another AU (shocker), but this time we get mythology, specifically Hades (Len) and Persephone (Mick). Love love love it.
And just one more, or else I'll just keep going until I've recced everything they've written.
Course Run Smooth by nirejseki, Flash/Legends of Tomorrow, Mick/Len
In which mick is Len's True Love, even though Mick's human and Len is a cat. Well, sort of a cat. Mostly a cat. And perfectly Len.
This entry was originally posted at where there are