SUCH an incredible weekend!

Apr 11, 2007 08:24

This past weekend Chris and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary of dating. The actual date is the 13th (yup, Friday the 13th), but we decided to do it a week earlier, based on our schedules.

We went to the Queen Mary in Long Beach! The Queen Mary was a vessel that was commissioned in 1937 to travel across the Atlantic, and was the fastest vessel for a number of years. During World War II, it was turned into the "Gray Ghost", and helped transport soldiers, prisoners of war, and GI brides and children. It was changed back into the Mary, and was in service until 1967, when it was moved to Long Beach, and turned into a hotel/museum. It's also one of the top 10 haunted places in the United States, due to it's extensive history.

Chris took a half day off of class on Friday, and we made it onboard around 3. Our room wasn't ready, so we wandered around the ship for awhile, looking at all the exhibits, going into the engine room, the MASSIVE prop, everything! Our room was authentic 30's decor, complete with 4 knobs in the bathroom- hot salt, hot fresh, cold salt and cold fresh water! Only the fresh water knobs worked, but it was still awesome! We went to dinner onboard, and hung out a little bit, until it was time for our paranormal tour! We went with Erika Frost, who's known for paranormal investigations, and it was fun! Most of the "ghosts" we heard Chris and I think we could debunk, but it still was a lot of fun to go on a REAL ghost hunt! Amazingly enough, I could still sleep that night!

Saturday morning we hung out a little bit, went to a late breakfast, packed up our belongings, and went on tours! We did a WWII tour with James, who's the COOLEST tour guide! We thought he was great! After that, we went on a "behind the scenes" tour which wasn't bad, but kinda bland, compared with the fantastic tour we were just on. Officially checked out of the hotel, and did a tour of the "Scorpion", a Russian spy submarine that's docked abreast of the Mary. It was so neat! We went to the Aquarium from there, and wandered around, and then drove home. It was SO nice!

Easter was low-key- we hung out a lot, ate a formal dinner, and then watched Jon play his new video game that we bought him for his birthday, and laughed the entire time.

I'm now on Spring Break, and it feels fantastic! Monday I just hung out in Whittier, and Chris and I went to dessert and tequila that evening. Yesterday I drove home, and went to Palomar Observatory- where they discovered Eris (the dwarf planet) as well as a TON of other cool astronomical things. Too bad it was a total bust- you couldn't get anywhere NEAR the telescope, let alone get to see IN it! Oh well! Today I'm getting together with Tiffany and Blake, as well as Blake's husband and daughter for wine tasting, then Tiffany and I are getting our nails done! All right! Fun times!
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