Sep 11, 2009 13:03
- 15:00 Landed in Phoenix! I never though I'd ever see the desert and mountains! #
- 19:20 Landed in Portland! That was a short, terrifying ride from Phoenix... #
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Sep 10, 2009 13:02
- 14:25 Less than 24 hours until we're on our way to PDX! #
- 15:45 @ lowfatalbob PDX = Oregon #
- 22:23 @ Lindytree You have a scar on your forehead? #
- 09:21 Waiting at the gate. It was nice seeing Pat C. this AM. C U later Boston! #
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Sep 06, 2009 13:00
- 15:14 How much of this stuff DON'T we have now? (Video Link) bit.ly/GqCZ8 #
- 11:33 "This look can easily go from work to Soul Train..." #
- 11:54 When following the TSA link to find out why we must remove our shoes during screening, the link 404s. So, there is no reason! #
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Sep 05, 2009 13:00
- 21:04 This about sums it up. bit.ly/hhBcv #
- 22:20 @ herrsatan @lindytree Are you two twittering to each other in the same room again? #
- 22:42 @ Lindytrr I wouldn't watch the ring alone in your house either... #
- 11:20 Happy Birthday to @jusbot! Let the celebration begin! #
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Sep 02, 2009 13:03
- 20:43 There's a little kid at the laundro playing a RTS on a laptop that's bigger than his body! #
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Aug 27, 2009 13:00
- 20:24 Oh, 14th Somerville Homeless COALITION Road Race. Not a road race of the Somerville homeless... #
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