[Sweethearts week]See You Next Year

Feb 14, 2012 21:56

Title: See You Next Year
Genre: Sci-fi/Romance/angst
Pairing(s): USUK
Word Count:  1095
Rating/Warnings: T, character death
Summary: His first was Alfred's last, and he couldn't help falling in love with him.  TimeTravel!AU
AN: This is so fail...

“So…we meet every Valentine’s Day?” Arthur questioned the man, Alfred as he had introduced himself, over his cup of tea.

They’ve been over this five times already, but Arthur’s brain is failing to make much sense of it. To be fair though, he never expected to open a door and be in the middle of space after he was kidnapped by some crazy American. His always enjoyed the pictures of space, but when he was in the middle of it, there were no words to describe the beauty of it. It wasn’t just black and boring. There were swirling colors and shooting lights in the distance. It was then that his brain stopped trying to make sense of anything.

Alfred, with his sunny hair, sky blue eyes, and annoying American accents, had to coo him away from the doorway. The man had carefully closed the doors, before turning around with a brief look of sadness on his face before slowly explaining everything he could as clearly as he could. He explained as best he could the other four other times, and this one was no different.

“Every Valentine’s Day for the last twenty-five years…well for me at least.” Alfred said sipping at coffee with a grin, but there was a sad look in his eyes. “It’s the first time for you.”

“I noticed.” Arthur said looking down at the table.

Alfred adjusted his glasses before finishing the rest of his drink. He waved the waiter down asked for a check. Arthur sat across from him in silence. Arthur finished his tea when Alfred placed the right amount of money on the table and got up. People looked at them, and Arthur doesn’t see why not. He was only eighteen and Alfred was at least in his mid-thirties or early forties. The two of them siting in a coffee shop on Valentine’s Day was raising a few eyebrows but Alfred didn’t seem to take much notice of it.

“Come on; let’s go for a walk Artie.” Alfred said with easy.

“Arthur,” Arthur corrected as he too got up and followed after the odd American. They walked in silence for a while. “You’re really from the future?”

“The time machine didn’t give that away.” Alfred said with a chuckle as Arthur blushed. “Only by a few hundred years though.”

“Why see me every Valentine’s Day?” Arthur asked for the first time.

Alfred shrugged, “When I first meet you, you were so in love with me, you never said anything, but the way you looked at me…it was like your whole life you waited for that moment.” Alfred said, Arthur didn’t see what he did; he was too busy looking at his feet to notice what the American did. There was a brief chuckle. “I had just taken my time machine for a spin, a random spin and I ended up meeting someone who loved and knew me like I was their soul mate. I wanted to meet you again.”

“That’s…nice,” Arthur said with a small smile and a blush.

Alfred laughed, “If only it was that simple. Our time lines run in opposite directions.” Alfred said with a suddenly serious tone. “The more I love you, the less you loved me. I should have stopped meeting up with you when I realized this, but I couldn’t.”

“Now, I know nothing about you.” Arthur said slowly, looking at the man as they came to a cross walk.

Alfred nodded and a heavy silence sat on them. The light changed and Arthur started crossing. After that it all happened so fast. He was shoved sharply from behind and there was a defeating sound of a horn. However by the time Arthur caught himself and spun around it was too late. People were already rushing and jumping out of cars to tend to the dying body on the street.

Green eyes widened when he realized it was Alfred. Something made him race over and kneel beside the man. His glasses were missing and blood seemed to be coming out of everywhere. Arthur lightly touched his face. He knew he couldn’t do anything for him, he never could be able to do anything for him, but the man saved his life, the least he could do was try to just be there. Alfred seems to barely register anything around him, but somehow he finds Arthur and smiles.

“Happy Valentine’s Day…Arthur.” Alfred said, his eyes were filled with love to the point where Arthur’s heart ached like he had been in love with the man for years. “See you next year.”

The Englishman latched on to the bloody man and he refused to let go. Doing everything possible to keep the man alive until two policemen tore him off. A policewoman calmed him down to get a statement, and Arthur’s mother picked him up from the police station and babied him for the following week.

----  ----  ----
It sounded easy, forgetting what happened, but it never was. Every year on Valentine’s Day, he saw a younger Alfred. He feel in love with him, kissed him, traveled through time with him, make love with him, but it never got easier. He knew how the man would die, and it haunted him. He always cried when Alfred left, for the fact that he knew the man was one step closer to his death, and he was going to meet an Alfred who knew slightly less than the last time. They had a love story the fiction world would eat up. Arthur himself couldn’t but it down and walk away.

However, Arthur wasn’t stupid; as he got older and Alfred got younger he saw it. Alfred loved him deeply and he was wounded by something heavy. His first meeting was Alfred’s death, and it was clear that the same applied to Alfred. However he longed to meet the Alfred whom he had inspired to meet him again.

He did, and when that day came, it was similar to his first meeting. He was older and madly in love with the confused boy before him. They talked in his garden before the doorbell rang. Arthur was shot three times the moment he opened the door. His killer ran away and Alfred came running. Calming Arthur as best he could, it was clear the American was at a loss of what to do. He chatted with Arthur, about useless things, trying to keep him up, but it was useless.

“Happy Valentine’s Day Alfred, see you next year.” Where his last words to the man he loved.

AN:  This fails so bad to me...but I was running out of time.  I wanted to go more into their relationship but I failed and didn't.  Very Doctor Who if you know what I mean.  I can't help but think it would be such a sad story to fall in love with someone who loves you so much, but ever time you meet them they love you less and knew less about you.  I have a feeling that Alfred and Arthur always wish each other a Happy Valentine's Day  and always say they see each other next year.

fanfiction, sweethearts week, usxuk

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