TeniMyu: Advancement Match Rokkaku featuring Hyoutei-->Opening Night

Aug 04, 2006 00:21

Today was the opening night for RokkakuMyu.  Thanks to my sister staying in my room until 3am last night, I wasn't the most energetic today.  But, I was still excited to watch the myu.
Tho, after all the fun of today, I'm afraid I don't have much energy to post much details today.

But here are some highlights:
1. An email from Tezuka that simply read "Yudan sezu ni ikou"
2.  Dabide (Rokkaku) and his puns were funny. "You're not suteki." -"I know I'm not steak." "That was subarashii." "Looks like tonight's dinner will be soba (rashii)."
3. Dabide's "Smash Shimashu!"
4. I liked Kikumaru and Fuji's pair song
5. Kentarou's chu song!^^
6. Atobe in the shower. (TeniMyu has made me into a damn peeping tom!) I think I was one of the only girl's in the room who wasn't screaming off the top of their lungs when a shirtless Atobe appeared.
7.Kirihara's silouhuette.  You couldn't see him clearly because they had the curtain screen down in front of him.  But I'm fairly certain it was Akaya in Rikkai uniform.  Kirihara had Ryoma pissing in his pants when he saw how strong Kirihara was. 
8. Hyoutei rocked...any song featuring them was great.
9. Rokkaku's theme song was nice.
10. Kujirai did an awesome job, esp. considering he was an understudy.

As for the cast :
Seigaku is still mada mada.  I was glad to see Kujirai there!   And Aiba is excellent with his dancing skills as always.
But vocally, this 3rd cast seems to be the weakest yet when it comes to vocals.  Vocally, none of the Seigaku members stood out for me.  And it seemed that the music seem to drown a couple of them out..esp. in the first act.  But, it was just the first show...maybe once they've calmed down their nerves and this becomes routine, they'll give an even better performance.  I think a part of it, also had to do with lots of the songs not being so great.  Rokkaku and Hyoutei had much better songs than Seigaku.

Unfortunately, I think RokkakuMyu is the TeniMyu with the least catchy songs.:/

Sakurada was a good Ryoma.  I just feel that him and other Seigaku members didn't really have a lot of solos or chances to showcase their characters.  I felt like I saw everyone in short increments and not long enough to be able to tell whether they were really great or not in character.

Rokkaku did a great job.  The show got more exciting once they appeared. Kentarou and Dabide were great. Unfortunately, Kisarazu Ryou didn't have much solo time.  But it was great seeing Ryousuke again.^^

"The Hyoutei is the best!"  or so they chanted in the musical. Yep they had a whole song where they told the audience to remember how they are the best.  And to be honest, when they come on and sang this...I was really thinking they were.^^;  Esp. compared to the current Seigaku and Rokkaku.  Any song that Hyoutei sang, rocked the house.

As for the ending..I have to say that this myu has the most anti-climatic ending.  It was kinda like...wait!? it's over already?  That's it!?  But you knew that was it since Seigaku kept winning and all.  Despite that the encore was one of the best parts of the show!^^  And out with the kira kira mittens again!

Well, this is my first impression of the show.  It's just the first show so I'm expecting for it to get better each day.

rokkaku, rokkakumyu, tenimyu

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