Title: Five Christmas’s Author: Moi Pairing: Jack/Ianto Characters: Jack, Owen, Tosh, Gwen, Ianto Rating: Free for all Summary: It takes Jack five Christmas’s. A/N: SET IN DONNA’S ALT!UNIVERSE.
That was really lovely ... ironic actually because when I saw JB's interview about TW3 he said there were going to be deaths and it suddenly occurred to me that it could be the end of Gwen and/or Ianto! In keeping with them all dying young! So now we know what they will all be doing in looking after Jack at Christmas!
Yes, they are dead, they are ghosts coming back to visit him. In the last paragraph they are all looking down on him as if from heaven making sure that he is ok. You're not thick, I must not have made it very clear, it's just something I've had in my mind, it didnt even really work out the way I wanted it to be. But I wanted a fic of them coming back to Jack. As it says in my notes, it's from Donna's alternate universe from Doctor Who in which Owen and Tosh are dead and then Gwen and Ianto give their lifes to stop the sontarans. So it's just how Jack gets through having lost them all in a short space of time.
I understand your confusion, I had to read it twice but on the second reading it all fitted and its a great story! (I presume Jack found a way to escape Sontar, that's what I pictured anyway!)
Comments 24
Thank you =]
I love your icon, I really need to get myself some xmas icons.
but maybe I'm just thick - am I right in thinking that they are dead? and if yes, why are they there in the last paragraph?
(feel free to tell me how thick I am - *hides*)
Yes, they are dead, they are ghosts coming back to visit him.
In the last paragraph they are all looking down on him as if from heaven making sure that he is ok. You're not thick, I must not have made it very clear, it's just something I've had in my mind, it didnt even really work out the way I wanted it to be. But I wanted a fic of them coming back to Jack. As it says in my notes, it's from Donna's alternate universe from Doctor Who in which Owen and Tosh are dead and then Gwen and Ianto give their lifes to stop the sontarans. So it's just how Jack gets through having lost them all in a short space of time.
But as I said, loved it!
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