So, I deleted the long post from before. i think it closed one page of my life, as things didn't work out.
Mister S said that this time he's the one who doesn't have time plus he doesn't really feel the need to have a relationship at the moment. i said that okay, i understand. then i walked over to
sung_gi's place and cried my eyes out and now I'm fine. Or as fine as i can be. Of course the things that could've have been bug me at constant rate, but at least now i don't have to stress because i have no idea where I'm standing with him at the moment. Now I know that i can go on forward and forget him bit by bit.
I told him that after three weeks i can look him in the face and have a normal conversation with him. Not before. Before the three weeks are over I have lots of time to figure out all the reasons why the thing wouldn't have worked between us and find reasons why i dislike him atm ::D In addition to being bipolar about his feelings, he also said to me that he can't text because he has used up all his text messages. When i went there, he texted constantly with his friends.
Right now, i hate him. I'm using all the three weeks productively and hate him in peace. After that I'll let go and move on.That's my plan and after everything that has happened, I'm happy when this is over ::D