So, it looks like my car has a coolant leak, considering I had to fill the coolant up again yesterday, having done it only just after Easter. Because the coolant really shouldn't run out that quickly, especially since the car hasn't been running too hot or anything. Just running out of coolant.
I made a phone call to my father, who was an automechanic apprentice for a while and generally knows his way around cars, and he thinks there's a leak either in the radiator or water pump - if it's not from the welch plugs. Apparently last time the welch plugs were replaced in the car, only one set of them were, because the other set was under the exhaust manifold, such that the entire engine would need to be taken out to change them. So apparently it could also be that.
The worst thing is, usually the car gets taken care of while its at home, so my father generally deals with all this stuff, and the most I have to do is take it out or pick it up from wherever its getting fixed. But since I'm still at uni, I've got to get it fixed somewhere down here, and hope that I've been given reliable recommendations as to places to get it checked out at. And hope my dad's given me enough of an idea that I can bluff my way around, just in case anyone tries to pull the wool over my poor, female, non-mechanicallly-minded eyes.
Anyway, suffice to say I'm off to the mechanic's tomorrow, and here's hoping it won't cost me an arm and a leg to get whatever is wrong fixed. Admittedly I'm only getting a quote at this stage, so Dad and I can compare prices and see what's the most reasonable, but even so I hope it's nothing ridiculously complicated, because we kind of can't afford to fix it if it is :/