Title: Portrait
Cast: YunJae, Yoochun, Junsu, Changmin, Donghae
Length: ?/? (very short fic :P)
Summary: Yunho always tried to make Jaejoong like him.
But, Jaejoong really doesn't like him and always tell Yunho off
So, painfully as it sounds, Yunho mostly makes himself believe the reality he makes when Jaejoong tells him off
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Comments 12
lmao this group are really funny, without they noticing it actullay they separated into two teams.. one for yunjae shipper and another is trying to make yunho forget his joongie... but they all bond together and this is soooooooooo cute and adorable... that is my DBSK... i love all my boys sooooo much... ^^
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