To whom it may concern Miss Perks,
The Master wishes for you to know that while he has taken ill, he still holds you in his thoughts on this day. The Master wishes for you to receive this gift. While the Master knows you are not permitted to have "nice things" where you are, the Master believes you may still use this. The Master says "It's to keep warm, they shouldn't have a problem with that."
Best wishes from the Master,
Property of Draco Malfoy.
*Included is a coat made from the scales of a Chinese Fireball*
To whom it m Miss Parkinson,
The Master wishes for you to know that while he has taken ill, he still holds you in his thoughts on this day. The Master wishes for you to receive this gift. While the Master understands that you have made your choice, he does not foresee you having such nice things from that man, so the Master wishes for you to have them when you can.
Best wishes from the Master,
Property of Draco Malfoy.
*Included is a set of necklace, earrings and bracelet made from the scales of that same Chinese Fireball*