(no subject)

Feb 19, 2005 16:17

ok so crystal mountain with amanda was fun, i practiced my snowboarding got a little better and also skiited, check out some guys haha pretty hot ones, overall it was fun i will update my pictures later.

Look at your closest friends...

Created by playintheleaves and taken 359 times on bzoink!
Of your friends... Who have you known the longest? amanda g, kim, and brittany Who have you met and friended most recently? danielle Who is a brother to you? uhmm john r and kevin Who is a sister to you? uhmm kim britney and brittany Who's arms do you feel safest in? hmm amanda petermans Who has the most interesting name? joey lol cuz joey joesph its cute though Who knows all of your darkest secrets? hmm my sister haha Who do you spend the most time with? hmm KAM2 Who would you spend your last days with? everyone Who gives the best advice? hmm amanda Give us a word of their advice... lol i dont know Who has the most inside jokes with you? kam2 rachel and my nightriders Opposite sex friend closest to you? jordan a/w, blake, derrik, jon murphy, and nick Same sex friend closest to you? kam2, rachel and alicia Name three people you could share an apartment with amanda, kim, and kylie Who picks on you most? hmm im not sure Who do you pick on the most? no one really Who do you fight with most? hmm Who is the tallest? amanda Shortest? blake Has best eyes? kylie Best smile? blake Nicest hair? kylie Smells nicest? kylie Who is smallest? kelsey Largest? thats mean.. Who has the most soothing voice? im not sure Most comforting touch? jordan anderson or derrik..i guess Gives the best hugs? HAILIE Has, or is rumored to have, the best kiss? derrik Who is the shyest? hmm rachel Sweetest? alyssa Funniest amanda or justin Weirdest? hmm Smartest? marissa w amanda or kelsey Ditziest? kylie or alyssa Has the most ambition? hmm amanda Most potential? kylie Who are you closest to? kam2 Who is the best listener? probably alicia Who do you talk to most online? many people Who do you talk to most on the phone? brett Who do you talk to most in person? everyone is equal Who do you trust the most? rachel Who is the best singer? kelsey or marissa w Dancer? alicia Actor? im not sure Writer? kelsey Who is the prettiest? kelsey kylie victoria, idk alot of people Sexiest? derrik Most suggestive? amanda Softest? uhmm Sharpest? hmm Who do you have most fun with? well, kam2 and rachel and victoria when were together. Who do you do the most interesting things with? victoria and rachel, oh oh and kylie kelsey alyssa and marissa haha great timess guyss Who do you always do the same things with? hmm im not sure Who was the last person you shared a secret with? probably amanda Last person you suprised (what was it?) i dont know Last person you gave a gift (what was it?) hmm Last person you gave something of yours (what was it?) maybe amanda.. Last person you hung out with? amanda Last person you dreamed of? hah marissa w, jon murphy, nick, and jordan anderson Last person who broke your heart? im not sure..its been awhile Last person who made you laugh? drew haha Last person who made you cry? hmm im not gonna name them Made you smile, just a little? amanda Made you smile really big? amanda Made you sad? im not gonna say Worried you? uhhmm In a Final Fantasy Mission, who would you take with you as (include self): The leader, "jack of all trades"/romantic icon i dont know The magic-caster/Healer i dont know The physical strength/fighter marissa w The technician/Pilot jordan anderson The weapons specialist (IE sharpshooter, sniper, etc) amanda haha The intelligence/Strategist kelsey Of your friends, who is the: Brain marissa w kelsey or amanda Athlete kylie Princess kelsey Basket-Case no one Criminal im not sure Who is the: Obsessive one? me and alyssa Enigmatic/Mysterious one? jenifer lol idk Crazy one? alyssa and marissa w Artistic one? kelsey Sexual one? nick haha Lost one? i dont know
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