Yeah, yeah, I'll get through this. But right now, I'm a mess.
It's LOUD here. It's unclear what exactly will happen, or when, or how, or whether it'll all work out (not to mention how much insurance will actually cover). Feeling like watching "Shakespeare In Love" for that one oft-repeated line. Instead, tonight was comfort movies (John Wick & A Knight's Tale) with closed captions. Usually the volume's set somewhere in the 20s-30s. Tonight, it went to 100. There is no louder. Still needed subtitles. Luckily the music's known and loved and dialogue's really secondary (given how many times I've watched the latter and how little there is in the former).
Hive Magnum's currently running three LOUD industrial fans and a huge dehumidifier in the dining room. Chipped out and torn off and peeled back plaster and ripped out baseboard and lathe allow better air flow. Next up: the addition of heat, when technical difficulties get resolved. Two more roofing companies will come by next week, hopefully give estimates and ultimately (dawg willing) someone will fix the roof leak (which led to dining room ceiling leak) which may require removing a chunk o' chimney, all so the currently progressing water remediation will last. Meanwhile, I'm a mess.
Now, I must sleep, perchance to dream, but hopefully not. Alarm's going off in a bit over eight (8) hours, and another day'll begin. I'll get through this, but right now, I'm a mess. G'night.
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