Feeling in a Mood

Jan 13, 2022 12:47

Whining below. Feel free to skip. Helped a bit to get it out, so I'll post it here for posterity.

Ugh. Dunno exactly what's up, or down, or has gone sideways. I have an inkling of what it might be, and what might make it better. Yet...yet I seem unable to motivate/inspire myself to Just Do It, to get outta the house, go walkies, or if'n I'm gonna stay put again/s'more, to put ink to paper and dash off letters and postcards and condolence cards and whatnot to keep in touch with people since social media just ain't cutting it for me these days.

Feeling down, sad, depressed perhaps. Usually, or at least often, I'll feel better once I can identify WHY I feel this way. Now though, it's *waves hands* nearly EVERYTHING. And it doesn't help that I KNOW what'll help (getting out and about, 'specially into Nature for walkies), yet... Then it spirals into a whole heaping stinking steaming pile of "what's wrong with you, you know what's needed, why don't you Just Do It?" Then when I don't, it spirals, until all I want to do is pull the covers over my head and sleep...and I've been here before, done that, and it's not so good, even if in the moment it works to...dunno, keep my mind off everything/nothing, like what a...something I am. (First type "horrid person," but realized that's just not so.) *sigh*

Just feeling a bit sorry for (as well as mad at and frustrated with) myself right now, when I'm fully aware of all I've got going for me so "shouldn't" feel this way. And mebbe I'm more feeling sad anyway, which is more socially acceptable.

Okay, now feeling a teensy bit better for barfing all this out. This entry was originally posted at https://mlerules.dreamwidth.org/1170864.html. You can comment here (or there using OpenID.)


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