A lot of my electronics chargers will work with a simple plug adaptor, rather than a voltage converter - you should check whether the charger says it will accept 220/240V or not. Of course, I can never find them when I'm frantically packing for a trip to Europe, so now I've acquired a half-dozen of the things; too bad I can't lend you any.
Would, say, your average radio shack carry these types of gadgets? I'm guessing so. feeling a bit foolish about just packing now, but I was away in Montreal for the long weekend & just got back yesterday late at night. Between work today & tomorrow, tonight is definitely slated for packing.
I've got a converter set if you would like to borrow it. It's got a hi-lo converter (lets you use 110v appliances) as well as 2-pin plug adapters
Also, I just signed up for an audiobook bzz. If you go to audible.com/bzzpassalong you should be able to get one free audio download (and a one month subscription).
Comments 6
Would, say, your average radio shack carry these types of gadgets? I'm guessing so. feeling a bit foolish about just packing now, but I was away in Montreal for the long weekend & just got back yesterday late at night. Between work today & tomorrow, tonight is definitely slated for packing.
I'm a goof.
I've got a converter set if you would like to borrow it. It's got a hi-lo converter (lets you use 110v appliances) as well as 2-pin plug adapters
Also, I just signed up for an audiobook bzz. If you go to audible.com/bzzpassalong you should be able to get one free audio download (and a one month subscription).
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