Apologies for not being around much. I have barely been online this week. And I don't think I will be tonight as I am seriously considering watching the debate at the Agelika with the Obama Dallas folks. Should be more fun that way. But it's going to take all evening and be tight getting there and back and getting a workout of sorts in.
I am very displeased that Jarrell and LeAnne have to prove themselves again to make the final three. That's just not right. They should be automatically in. I personally believe Korto should, as well, but I wouldn't be as annoyed if it was just a tie breaker between her and Kenley. I dislike Kenley and I dislike many of her designs, but I do admit she is technically competent. But the part where Jarrell and LeAnne have to compete further to get in the final 3 just has me really unhappy.
More on the actual dresses they made later.
I watched Top Design as well, and will try to comment about it later.
One more little thing about politics. I'm seeing Texas pink rather than red on a lot of prediction maps. This makes me ecstatic. I don't have any kind of expectation that we can actually win Texas, but the weaker McCain is here, the more he has to spend money here and have staff working on Texas, which means less for battleground states. If we can push to make Texas white instead of pink, we've got a great opportunity to suck resources from those states. So yay!
ETA: No debate watching at the theater for me. Tickets had to be reserved and I did not know that. They were very nice about it, and put me on the waitlist, but then I realized that if I didn't get in it would take me too long on the bus to get home in time to see it, so I had them take me off so I wasn't taking up a spot someone else could have. And now that I'm at home, I'm afraid to watch it alone.