i want a cutie mark! ;_;

Sep 11, 2011 01:52

Honesty: All About You!
Name/Nickname: Sarita is my real name, and sadly i don't really have any nicknames, ahaha
Since LJ likes to be legal, are you 13 or older? yesss, i'm 19 :)
General Location: (Example, USA, New York, France, Europe...) europe, finland.
Briefly describe your personality i'm stubborn (and a total rebel!). short-tempered. if i am determined to get something done, i will get it done. i'm kind of a loner (i like to keep to myself). i have a weird sense of humor. i like daydreaming. i enjoy freedom and my own privacy. i don't trust people easily. that wasn't very brief, was it? i apologize, but i always have a hard time describing my personality.. :D;;;;
Likes: privacy (i'm a total hermit sometimes), music, animals in general, good food, video games, (horror) movies, photography, drawing, painting, web design, paranormal stuff, body positive thinking
Dislikes: narrow minds, superficiality, cruelty

Loyalty: All About You And Your Friends!
In your group of friends/family you are... (Check all that apply)

[x] The Loud One
[] The Quiet One
[] The Athlete
[x] The Smarty Pants
[] The One Who Loves to Party
[x] The Hard Worker
[] The Trendsetter
[x] The Artist
[] The Leader
[x] The Random One
[x] The Animal Lover
[] The Musician
[] The Boy/Girl Crazy One
[x] The Dork
[x] The Cute One
[x] The Overdramatic One
[x] The Night Owl
[...sometimes] The Mature One

Kindness: All About Your Favorites!
Please tell us your favorite(s)...

Color: pink, yellow
Season: summer
Food: spring rolls
Musician/Band: Susumu Hirasawa, p-model, Yuki Kajiura, vocaloids, Lady Gaga, Jun Togawa, crystal castles, various video game and movie music composers..
Movie: paprika, cabin fever, suicide circle, pan's labyrinth, 2ldk, american psycho, mirrormask, hot fuzz, memento, martyrs.. ah heck, the list goes on! D:
T.V Show: i don't really follow any tv shows, but i love watching documentaries

Laughter: All About Choices!
Please choose one or the other. You may elaborate on your answers if you wish...

Day or Night? night! nights are so quiet and peaceful
Spicy or Mild? spicy (i put tabasco sauce on almost everything)
In a Group or By Yourself? by myself.
Dreams or Reality? ahh, dreams.. escapism is lovely, you know. real life is pretty harsh sometimes..
Giving or Receiving? giving. :) people often think i am very materialistic, but actually i enjoy giving a lot more than receiving.
Work or Play? it depends on what kind of work is being offered to me (i can be very hard working if it's something i enjoy, even if just a little).. but usually i prefer PLAY. :D
Water or Fire? fire.. my element! :)
Air or Earth? air. the to me, it signifies freedom
Rule or Be Ruled? rule. i really don't like being told what to do.
Plan Ahead or Go With The Flow? go with the flow~ i am so bad at planning stuff anyway..
Wallflower or In The Spotlight? ahh.. both, kind of? it's like this: with friends i'm a total noisy spotlight monkey - but with people i don't know, i'm a tiny puny wallflower. :/
Organized or Messy? very messy, unfortunately!! D:

Generosity: All About Your Hopes, Dreams, and Talents!

What is your dream job? i want to be a freelance artist or an illustrator.. owning my own small business/company could also be very cool (maybe an online store or something like that?). basically, i dream of flexible working habits + i don't want a cranky boss person around, telling me what to do all the time. does that make any sense..?
Where do you think you'll be in ten years? ten years..? hopefully i have indeed pursued the career of a successful freelance illustrator.. living in a nice, big-enough house with lots of pets around me.. :)
What are your special talents? i like to think that i'm pretty good at producing art.
If you could change one thing about your personality, would you? What would it be? i want to learn how to control my temper more. and also i want to be able to be fully sociable even when i'm around total strangers. the way i'm right now, it's hard to get new buddies..
Who or what inspires you? all animal healthcare / animal rights people are pretty awesome. and body positive people too. they inspire me to stay strong and stand by my beliefs. as for other kinds of inspiration, asian culture tends to affect my art and personal style a lot.
If you could make one wish... what would it be? i want my current life situation to get better. things are sort of gloomy right now..

Magic: My Little Pony

Why do you like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? i've always loved mlp's, and this cartoon just.. it's so wonderful. at first i had my doubts, but the colorful animation and wonderful voice acting and music just won me over. watching this show always cheers me up :D
Princess Celestia or Princess Luna? honestly, i like them both. still going to say Celestia, though.. she is just so.. regal and beautiful..
If you had a cutie mark, what do you think it would be? this is a tough one. since i'm pretty art oriented, maybe it would be a pencil..? or a paint brush? not very creative, but anyway yeah!
Which episode is your favorite? Why? my top 2 favourites are swarm of the century (because Pinkie Pie's awesomeness and PARASPRITE POLKA!<3) and a dog and pony show (because it was such a hilariously funny episode!). the first episode is also nice because it's so full of powerrrr offf friendshipfriendship-frienshiiip, which is very cute! :D
Which Element of Harmony are you? (This will not affect your final vote, but you can choose not to answer) generosity, maybe? yeah, i think i'll go with that.
Anything else? nope, i'm done here! i'm sorry about my awkward english skills :'D! and oh boy, i hope i did everything right,,

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