Name: Alex
Previously stamped as: Rainbow Dash
5 Positive adjectives about yourself: funny, bad ass, presh as fuck, flawless, passionate
5 Negative adjectives about yourself: elitist, stubborn, fondness for chaos (negative because if things get too boring, especially online, I will stir shit up just to see what happens), short attention span, mah ego...some might call it inflated
What are your strengths? I'm a leader, I pick up on things quickly, self confidence, my humor
What are your weaknesses? idgi what is weakness? >:3
Inside or outside? Inside tbqh. It has all the commodities. But I do love nature so outings are fun. I just hate camping and the like. Don't want to be THAT close to nature.
High, low or medium energy? Pretty high both online and IRL.
Familiar or exotic? Familiar with exotic on ocassion.
Dressy/Flamboyant or casual/relaxed in style? Oh I am wicked casual in style. So much easier. I do love my makeup and perfume though. BUT THOSE CAN GO JUST AS WELL WITH A POLO AND JEANS OK.
Early riser or sleep in? Always sleep in
Traditional or modern? Modern
Hot tempered or cool headed? Hot tempered
[] Afraid of heights?
[\] Physically strong?
[] Interested in your heritage?
[] A dreamer?
[x] Someone whom others might think is strange?
[x] Someone who can be intimidating?
[x] A leader?
[x] Unpredictable?
[x] Cool, or popular?
[x] Interested in spirituality of any sort?
[x] Interested in magic or supernatural things of any sort?
[x] Someone who likes or appreciates nature?
[] Particularly talented at something that not many other people are?
1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Probably London. I've visited there twice and I really liked the vibe of the city. And I'm not just saying that because ~*~english accents~*~ or ~*~england is soooooooo coooooooooooooool~*~ I genuinely like the atmosphere of it and how eclectic it is while not being quite so frantic as NYC.
2. When you go out to eat, what sort of foods do you usually gravitate toward? Comfort food. I'm not the most adventurous when it comes to food. But I do like things with lots of flavor.
3. Do you often feel a close connection with other people? Of course. However, I don't have any one person I've been BFFs with my whole life. I tend to be super close with people, but if we drift away I don't look back. I don't understand the use of that.
4. Where are you most comfortable? I love cities, the energy and diversity. Always something to do and it's super easy to get around them.
5. Oh no! Someone just slapped you across the face! How do you react? Slap them back. You better be able to get as good as you give with me.
6. What has been the most rewarding experience of your life thus far? .......That is far more introspection than I'm willing to do tbqh >____>
7. What is the most unique thing about you? That I can tap into various parts of my personality depending on what's required at the time without being fake. For example, I can be like this right now, but in a professional environment I tap into my Grown Up Responsible side and you would never know I could be this endearingly obnoxious. But I do this without compromising who I am or putting on airs just to please people.
Anything else? Think that's it
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