Title: When Roses Wither (2/?)
Pairing(s): Kyuhyun x girl!Sungmin
Genre: Angst, Romance
Warning(s): swearing, epic failure
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,931
Summary: Sungmin has always felt alone; unfavored, unwanted, unloved. She has always felt out of place; family, school, even the public. She's never felt special before. She doesn't look forward
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Comments 6
OMG I missed you so, and glad to hear that you're healthy again, cuz that parasite sounded....
Ok forget about it, onto the fic.
Oh goody goody goshness I love Tiffany to bits in this fic! She's so caring and loving, and she's even nice to bitchy!Sunkyu xDDD
Shit, is Min screwed or what? And I don't mean just from the fall, I mean when Kyu catches her in that awkward fetal position (with a numb butt and legs?) while checking him out? o.O
Anyway, hope you update soon, this and Sleepless Nights and the mystery fic (I'm a sucker for mystery) <333
Yes, in this fic, Tiffany is a sweetheart~ and here's a small tiny fact: she's based on my best friend in real life!~ I also met her (my best friend) during the first year of highschool~ xD
Lol, I agree, Sungmin is screwed. xD In the next chapter, there shall be a confrontation between Sungmin and Kyuhyun, and you'll be able to see what Kyuhyun seemingly thinks of her, from Sungmin's point of view, respectively. ^w^
And yes! I shall try to update with another chapter, most likely for the mystery fic. Here's a title of the fic: "Missing". xD Simple, but full meaning at the same time~ xD
Man, what a long comment. xD
I'll be looking forward to any more updates.
Ah, that's the reaction I was going for!~ :'D
Heehee, wishing for a drama to play out before you in real life, that's one of the few things Min and I have in common. ^w^
I shall try to update soon, but I just hope that writer's block doesn't get in the way. ;____;
I wonder what happened to Sunny and Tiffany to make Sunny so bitchy D;
Ouch, that's gotta hurt from falling so high up D;
Ooh, Sunny just jealous of Tiffany's presence because she wants Sungmin all to herself LOL.
Yes, Kyuhyun shall be supar weird in this fic. Maybe bipolar. O.O Cuz in the next chapter, he's going to be cruel, but in other chapters he'll be nice, etc. xD
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